She's not going to hurt you.

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Noeul and I get into bed together but he doesn't cuddle up to me like he usually does.

I hate this so much, I just want to hug and kiss him and tell him that everything is going to be okay.

Noeul : I'm sorry for yelling at you....You were only trying to help me, I had no right talking to you like that.

Boss : But you were right. I have been mothering you. I want to help you but I don't know how to.

Noeul : I don't want to be reminded of that every time I look into your eyes.

Boss : Maybe I look at you like that because I'm fucking terrified. How can I reassure you when I'm just as scared as you are?

Noeul : What are you scared of?

Boss : I'm scared that I'll lose you or you'll hurt yourself. I'm scared for you Noeul.

Noeul cupped boss face..

Noeul : You don't have to be scared for me. I'm okay.....Boss, look at me. See am okay.


He smiles faintly while gently brushing his thumb back and forth across my cheek comfortingly. I reach out and carefully trace my fingertips over the fresh cut on his forehead.

Boss : Are you sure?

Noeul : Yes, I'm sure!.......You need to stop worrying about me, I'll tell you if something is wrong or if I need anything.

Boss : Promise me you will?

Noeul : I promise.


Noeul lays on top of me and wraps his arms around my neck as we embrace each other in a hug.

Boss : I love you.

Noeul : I love you more.

Meanwhile at The Blood Roses warehouse.

Michele : Is this seriously all the information you have on him?

Luca : Sadly, Yes.

Michele : Age, unknown. height, unknown, star sign-

Wait, why would I need to know his star sign?

Luca : I don't fucking know. I'm trying to get as much information about him as I can!

Michele: Knowing his star sign isn't going to help me murder him, is it?

Luca : Well at least you know his name, hair colour and eye colour.

Michele : Boss Chakamon, hair colour, dark brown, eye colour, brown.

Keira : It's pronounced ' Chai-ka-mon' and his hair colour is not dark brown. It's black. He's 21 years old, is there anything else you'd like to know about him?

Michele : Impressive keira, I can see someone has been doing their homework.

Keira : Of course I have been working for him for a long time. And yes we both had a history together.

Michele : What?......You two use to date?


That what I also wanted... But he fucking didn't give a shit about me..but choose your little cousin over me. If only you did choose me Boss I wouldn't have gone this far but you decided to choose that kid over me.

Michele : You're dating his fucking ex girlfriend?

Luca : Yes I am, have you got a problem with that?

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