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Today's the big day. If Travis wins this it would be his second victory in a row.

He woke up a few hours earlier than me because he's going to be practicing up until there's only a hour and a half until the game. The first half hour he's filming something and then I'll be able to see him before his game.

I put a black top, black jeans with a bedazzled cut on my upper thighs, and my Cheifs sweater. I put my hair up in a ponytail and a single mini braid. I put on my iconic red lipstick and black eyeliner and I hang out watching Gilmore Girls (since I promised Travis I would wait to watch Grey's Anatomy AND friends until later with him) until two hours before the game so I can see Travis.

"Good Luck Honey!" I tell him before the game and we have a quick kiss. It was disappointing considering what we've been doing recently but it'll have to do because we have family around.

He ends up winning the game 22-25. And I'm kept proud of him. After the game I go down to the field nwith him and hug and kiss him, telling him how proud of him I am.

The after party was amazing, both me and Travis got really drunk, and ended up almost taking our clothes off in the car. But we didn't end up doing it for what ever reason.

"I want tacos." I tell Travis.

We make out the rest of the way to the hotel.

When we got to the hotel, we both throw up, but we still are so drunk we don't care and have sex on the couch. We fall asleep, again with only a blanket covering our naked bodies.

I wake up first, and get clothes on. I make myself a cup of black coffee to handle the hangover until Travis wakes up. I make him a coffee and then we watch Friends.


I completely forgot about Tokyo! Welp it's too late now. I have a surprise coming soon tho 🤭

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