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⚠️TW: SMUT⚠️



"I can't believe we are trying to get pregnant now." I say, undressing in the Vancouver hotel.

"I'm excited too" Travis winks.

We start kissing, and it slowly escalates. This goes on all night. I'm trying to stifle my moans but after an hour I give up. This basically is our routine until the fourth so I can still be sane during the last three shows.

During the first two shows I keep my mind in other places. But about three hours before the very last show I take the test out of my bag. I pee on the stick then set a timer for five minutes.

Please be Positive. Please Please Please.

The timer goes off.


I walk out of the bathroom in tears, holding the test. Travis sees me holding the test and hugs me.

"It's okay baby we can try again." He assures me.

When it's time for the show I start with Miss Americana and The Heartbreak Prince. During 22 I give the hat to Sophia, since she was here with her best friend. I continue until "But Daddy I love him". I hope I don't look heartbroken when I say "I'm having his baby, not I'm not" because if I do swifties will notice. I continue but during surprise songs I did probably the most predictable songs ever.

"Drew looks at me/ I fake a smile so he won't see/ That I want and I'm needin'/ Everything that we should be/ I bet she's beautiful/ That girl he talks about/ And she's got everything that I have had to live without/ Drew talks to me/ I laugh because it's so funny/ there's glitter on the floor after the party/ girls carrying their shoes down in the lobby" I continue with the "Teardrops on my guitar x New Year's Day" mashup for the first songs. The first song and the last song that I didn't originally own.

I walk over to the piano and start singing, another predictable song mashup.

"How many days did I spend thinking 'bout how you did me wrong wrong wrong?/ Now and then she re-reads the manuscript" I did this mashup a little differently, but continued with "I forgot that you existed x The manuscript" mashup. The first and last songs that I always owned.

After I continued with Midnights. During the Karma speech at the very end I started crying.

"Thank you all so much for coming and making the last year and a half, the best time in my life! Please thank my amazing dancers and backing vocalists!" I wait for applause. "And now direct your attention to the main stage and have some appreciation for my wonderful band!" I again wait for applause. I bow with my dancers and vocalist and then I wait as they go below stage. I stay and wave them goodbye for the very last time of the Taylor Swift| Eras Tour. I end up staying exactly 13 seconds longer than I usually do before rushing backstage to hug Travis.

"Thank you so much for being here" I whisper in his ear.

I go change because he was going to take me out to dinner, then I would have a dinner tomorrow night with everyone who was a part of my tour. While I'm changing Travis walks in, uninvited. I laugh as he try's to "help me" even though he's really only touching my butt and boobs.



Hope y'all enjoyed this!

This is my longest chapter yet with almost 600 words!

Sophia is going to be such an important character later on so that's why I'm kinda randomly mentioning her.

I definitely didn't cry thinking about how soon this is...


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