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Taylor's Flashback:
"You're gaining a lot of weight." Joe tells me

I nod, not looking him in the eyes.

"You probably should skip out on food the next few days, you look pregnant."

I nod again.

"Actually, come here"

I walk over to him.

He places his hands all around my body, and lifts my shirt up. I try stopping him but he does it anyways. He stumbles over to the living room as he starts kissing me, he takes his shirt off then takes my bra off. He takes my skirt off and his pants off as he lays down on the couch, pulling me down with him. He starts kissing around my breasts, while touching me some more. I know if I try to stop him he'll just use his excuse, that we've had sex before. I know this isn't sex though, he didn't have my consent, this was rape. I still couldn't stop him, he was doing all the things you do in sex. And I couldn't stop him. I saw him look at my stomach with displease before starting kissing my thighs. He moves back up my body to my neck, biting down on it, before finally moving back to my lips. This goes on for way too long. I eventually force myself to sleep through it, and he takes it to his advantage. Using my body in horrible ways. He finally falls asleep kissing me. All I need is a shower.

*Flashback ends*

I start hyperventilating sitting next to Travis, who had his arm around me. I yelp and scramble away it fear. Thinking he would do something to me.

"Taylor?" He asks trying to touch me.

"No!" I scream, then I start crying. "I'm sorry, Im so so so sorry. Travis. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm going to take a shower."

It happened over three years ago, yet I still had that feeling on me. I needed to wash it off. I need no trace of what happened to me. After my shower I try everything to get the feeling off of me. Nothing works. The last idea I have is consensual sex.


Hope you enjoyed this chapter! I got to admit I almost didn't want to put this chapter out because I personally felt uncomfortable, and I want that to never happens to anyone ever but if it has happened to you, or you have been sexually assaulted of any kind, I need you to know you are loved, and you don't deserve any of what happened to you.

Also I know girls from my sixth grade class probably won't see this but I hope you know you didn't deserve anything of what happened with Elijah, and I'm so proud of you. What happened to us, deserves to not happen especially at that age 🤍🤍🤍

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