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Naeun still hadn't waken up yet, resting in Jisung's arms. He waited to Juri to arrive, texting her to bring Naeun some clothes as well. Her own clothes were torn, which made it obvious that they were forced off. Jisung was disgusted by Daehan.

Jisung adjusted the jacket around Naeun's body, zipping it up tightly and making sure it was covering as much as it could. He could see the visible bruises on her body and his heart ached. He wished he took take all of the pain away, but he knew he couldn't.

In the distance he saw Juri running to them, hopping over the bush that was covering the area and worry etched on her face. 

Her gaze dropped to Naeun, and tears welled in her eyes. "What happened to her, Jisung?"

"Sexual assault," he sighed, his hand absentmindedly stroking the passed out girl's hair.

"Who did it?" Juri's sadness suddenly turned into pure anger. 

"That Daehan guy from your guy's university."

"Daehan?" Juri repeated incredulously. "I- Are you sure it was him?"

"It was, Juri," he said quietly. "I couldn't believe it either."

"I'll go beat his ass later," Juri sighed, running a hand through her hair. "I brought some clothes, I'll get her dressed."

Jisung shifted Naeun off of his lap and onto the bench, standing in front of her with his eyes turned away as Juri took off the jacket and started dressing her. There was a large bush covering them, but it was just in case.

Juri changed the girl into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. Naeun was starting to stir, her eyes fluttering open as she took in her surroundings. The memories of the painful experience she went through were flooding back to her and she subconsciously checked around to see if Daehan was in the area.

She felt exposed, violated, disgusted. Tears fell down her face as Juri embraced her into a tight hug. She cried out on her best friend's shoulder while Jisung simply watched, his chest tightening. He hated seeing her in pain more than anything.

Naeun calmed down after a bit, her breathing returning to normal. Jisung sat down next to her, his larger hand clasping over hers. He didn't even bother asking if she was okay, because he could clearly see that she wasn't.

Jisung reached out and brushed some hair out of her face, a sad expression on his face. All he wanted was to relieve the girl of the pain she was feeling. In any way possible, he wanted to be there for her.

"Can you tell me what happened?" He asked her. "When did he approach you?"

"While I was waiting at the park," he said, her voice devoid of its usual sweetness. It was hoarse and quivery. "He invited me over for a bit for lunch and then..."

His heart broke further at her words. He blamed himself for putting more importance to something minor and not meeting with her sooner. He could've prevented it all from happening. And he blamed himself.

He followed the two girls into Juri's car. Naeun sat in the passenger seat next to Juri while Jisung sat in the back. His eyes were on Naeun the entire time, silently observing her to make sure she was doing okay. It was a lot to handle and he could easily tell it took a toll on her mental health.

Her eyes no longer shone. They were dull and weary. Her lips were devoid of the smile that used to always graze them. They were turned downward into a frown. To see her so physically hurt made Jisung feel hurt as well. All he wanted for her was happiness and content, and seeing her like this tugged at his heart strings.

"Don't worry, Nana," Juri spoke, breaking the silence. "I'll rearrange his balls once I see him and then feed it to my brother's pit bull." 

She stifled a chuckle, though there was no real humor behind it. She didn't have the energy for it. She didn't have the energy for anything.

"We should call the police on him, sexual assault is literally a crime," Jisung added in. He wanted to do everything he possibly could for the girl.

They arrived at the dorm not long after. Juri let Jisung in as well, since she could tell he was worried beyond belief. She helped Naeun sit on the couch before walking to the kitchen to make something for her to eat.

He sat down next to her on the couch, watching her stare off into space. Hesitantly, he reached out for her hand and encased it over his. "Do you need anything?"

Naeun shook her head, her gaze on the coffee table in front of them.  She was so out it and it was extremely noticeable. The energy in her body was completely drained and there was nothing she could do.

Stuck | Park Jisung [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now