Training with the Vizards

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(Y/N) was coming up on his time limit, and the Vizards were all getting ready to take care of (Y/N).

Currently, Rose was taking on (Y/N) as his hollowfication was closely taking over his entire body. Spectating from a few feet behind, Shinji was observing (Y/N) closely as he realized that despite his Hollowified appearance, (Y/N)'s hollowification stopped spreading.

Shinji: Hey, is it just me or is (Y/N) still in Hollowification?

Hiyori: Huh? Now that I'm taking a closer look, it did.

Shinji: It doesn't seem like (Y/N) became a full on hollow... So why hasn't he reverted back?

As Shinji said that, the hollowfied (Y/N) stopped fighting Rose, standing still. The Hollow took a more human stance. Just then the Hollow shell surrounding (Y/N) started to crack, falling on the ground beneath his feet. Standing now was (Y/N) in his normal Shinigami attire, however he wore a Hollow mask on his face.

 Standing now was (Y/N) in his normal Shinigami attire, however he wore a Hollow mask on his face

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(Not created by me. Credit to the original creator of this design, Andrew Bangs on artstation)

Ichigo: I didn't doubt you for a second... (Y/N)...

Shinji: So... how are you feeling?

(Y/N): ...I feel stronger... In control...

Hiyori: Well duh! That's what this whole training was for. But don't get too big headed! The Hollow mask doesn't last long so you'll need to train to increase the amount of time you can keep it active!

(Y/N): Really? Well when do we begin?

Hiyori: Huh? You're seriously asking that question when you're all beaten up like that-

Hiyori was immediately cut off as she watched (Y/N)'s body start to heal by itself in real time.

Hiyori: What in the-

Shinji: That some sort of healing technique we've never seen before?

(Y/N): Huh? Nah, I'm more Hollow than I am Shinigami, if we're being quite honest. My body can pretty much regenerate like any other Hollow.

Shinji: Ya don't say...

Hiyori: Well if your body can heal that quick then, maybe we can start training right now?

(Y/N): Alright, but before we do...

(Y/N) walked up to Ichigo and started to heal him with Kaidou.

(Y/N): Yo, how'd the training go?

Ichigo: What do you think? I definitely controlled my Hollow!

(Y/N): Heh, I shouldn't have asked. That should've been obvious.

While Ichigo and (Y/N) were talking, Shinji walked towards the rest of the Vizards.

Shinji: Hm...

Hachi: Is something the matter, Shinji?

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