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A week or two had passed. Naeun hadn't gone to university or even been out of her bedroom. Juri had grown more and more worried, since the girl was barely eating anything. 

Naeun stayed bundled up in her bed, watching a random movie on her phone. Juri had gone out, saying that she had something important to do. She left the girl a few slices of pizza, but it remained untouched. Naeun had no appetite.

Her phone was buzzing with countless messages from Jisung, Juri and Chenle, but she didn't reply to any of them. A small bag of chips were in her hands, which was basically the only thing she was eating. 

She mindlessly scrolled through Netflix and ate the chips. The bags under her eyes were proof that she had not been able to sleep lately. Every time she tried to, the visions of her assault came back and kept her up at night. It had left a deep scar on her.

The girl was too scared to go back to university as of right now. Scared of running into Daehan and the events repeating. She felt utterly idiotic for trusting him so much.

Naeun got out of bed, stretching her limbs and stepping out of her bedroom. The lack of food started catching up on her. She walked over to the kitchen counter and found the paper plate with three pizza slices on it, a small post it note beside it. The post it note had a big smiley face drawn on it, and subconsciously, it made the girl smile as well. The first genuine one all week.

Pulling out one of the stools, she sat down and stared at the slices for a solid ten seconds before she started eating. It was her favorite flavor, but the taste seemed bitter. She still ate all of them, since the girl needed to get some food in her system. She lost a whole kilogram in a few days.

She threw the paper plate into the trash can and washed her hands. After drying them with a towel she walked to the living room, dropping down on the couch and picking up the TV remote.

A knock on the door made her groan, since she didn't feel like getting up. But still she stood up and trudged over to the door, quickly smoothing her hair before unlocking it. Juri, Jisung and Chenle all rushed into the dorm, smiles in their faces.

"What's going on?" Naeun asked, brows furrowed. She watched as they sat down on the couch, a bag of food in Jisung's hands.

"We put that bitch behind bars!" Juri exclaimed, running over to hug her best friend.

Naeun gasped, eyes widening as she returned the hug. "Really? He's in jail?"

"He won't bother you anymore, don't worry," Chenle grinned, setting up the food on the coffee table.

"Thanks, you guys," Naeun smiled ear to ear, making Jisung's heart melt. He hadn't seen the girl smile in a while and seeing her now made him incredibly happy. 

"Now go freshen up, you look like a lab experiment from Phineas and and Ferb," Juri said, patting her best friend on the shoulder.

Naeun went to the bathroom, splashing cold water on her face. She went back into her bedroom and changed out of her baggy sweater to something actually presentable.

Once she looked somewhat human, Naeun walked out to the living room where the other three were chatting and setting up the table with all of her favorite foods. She sat down next to Jisung on the love seat, simply because she wanted to be close to him.

"Are you feeling better now, knowing he's in jail?" He asked, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. 

"A lot better," she replied, relishing in the small touch. "Thank you, so so much."

"Anything for you," he said cheekily, grinning. 

They felt like they were caught up in their own little bubble, away from the rest of the world. Naeun found herself falling deeper and deeper. Her walls were gone, and she was letting him in more and more.

Stuck | Park Jisung [COMPLETE]Where stories live. Discover now