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Muichiro wasted no time in getting the entire living room situated. He dusted off every lingering particle, careful to collect the debris in a dust bin. There wasn't much time left before the guests arrived as they did every summer. It was only necessary that the house was kept in tip-top shape whenever they walked in.

"Mui, how's the living room going?" His father asked as he walked into the room.

"Nearly done," Muichiro responded, comically wiping the nonexistent sweat off his forehead. "I just gotta finish tidying up the pillows."

"Alright. Just make sure to meet me and Yuichiro at the porch."

Muichiro gave his father a nod before proceeding with his handiwork as he left. The time was ticking, and it only made him all the more anxious. After all, the Tokitos didn't get to see the Shinazugawa's last summer. They had other priorities that unfortunately mixed into their schedules. It was the one summer that the Tokitos had spent alone.

That only meant that the Shinazugawa's would be receiving entirely new impressions from the Tokito's—ones starkly different in comparison to the past. It was even embarrassing for Muichiro to reflect on the immature decisions he made every other summer. However, there was no doubt in his mind that he'd significantly changed, and he was willing to prove it.

As Muichiro finally finished dusting off the living room, he was quick to join the rest of his family outside. He flinched, striking rays from the sun mercilessly attacking his eyes the second he opened the front door.

"Took you long enough," Yuichiro said, crossing his arms with a look of disappointment. "They're nearly here."

Mr. Tokito gently placed a hand on his older sons shoulder.

"Not too much on Muichiro," he said before facing his phone once again, where he tracked the location of the Shinazugawa's.

Yuichiro let out a scoff, removing himself from his father to lie on the porch bench. He promptly closed his eyes, letting the sun bathe him in all of its glory. As for Muichiro, he watched closely for any familiar cars as they passed by. There weren't many where they resided, as they happened to live in an isolated manor, but just enough for Muichiro to keep track of them; even if he typically forgot every make and model within less than a day.

Eventually, a very peculiar car had driven by, one that Muichiro never seemed to forget. His lips had curled into a smile as he noticed it. That navy blue SUV with the custom matte finish. Oh, that was the one. When it finally stopped at the curb, Muichiro would immediately take note of its familiarity.

"They're here..."

His stomach desperately churned at the thought of seeing the Shinazugawa's. How long has it been again? Definitely long enough for there to have been some changes. Muichiro didn't know if he liked that realization or not.

It wasn't so much Genya or Sanemi's changes, but more so, his own. Muichiro wanted to believe that he wasn't the same person that he was two years ago. The one that always clinged onto Genya for help as Sanemi complained about another one of his broken consoles. Or the one who never left the television screen once he hopped on it, which possibly annoyed the guests.

It'd be a shame if he was still as immature as he was back then. Hence, the reason he had decided to drastically make a difference of himself. The Shinazugawas would come to recognize it soon enough and appreciate it if they hadn't already. Or at least, Genya would. In fact, Genya always had; he was never even the real problem. However, Muichiro maintained his feeling of anxiousness regarding the oldest Shinazugawa.

"Well, what do you know," Mr. Tokito sang before walking down the porch steps to greet the family.

Muichiro and Yuichiro stayed behind, rooted to their spots as the siblings emerged. They watched their father converse with the other father through the driver's window, neither parent ever stepping out of the car. The Shinazugawa parents often stayed inside as their children removed their luggage. Afterward, they were expected to drive off as they did every other year. It was routine.

"Ay, boys!" Mr. Tokito exclaimed from afar with an outstretched hand gesture. It looked like the two adult men had been having a worthwhile conversation. "Come and help your friends carry their belongings!"

Yuichiro groaned, blinking his eyes open as he was knocked out of his own stupor. With a sigh, he removed himself from the bench and walked over to his twin brother.

"C'mon, you heard him," he said, gently patting Muichiro on the back.

Muichiro nodded, anxiously biting his bottom lip as they approached the scene. Much to his expectance, the siblings seemed to be doing just fine. As per usual, his father was utilizing nonsensical ways for the children to get close again. It seemed to work every other year when they rekindled, but now, it felt weird.

Yes, 'weird' was the word Muichiro decided to use upon noticing Genya's growth from 5'5 to 5'11. 'Weird' was also the word used when the mohawk had blatantly grown out longer than ever before. It was only considered weird because it was different; and Muichiro couldn't help but like different.

"Hi, Genya," Muichiro greeted as he grabbed a large bag of shoes from the trunk.

The taller one flinched at the unexpected utterance of his name. Promptly, he pivoted to face the voice in hopes he'd be met face-to-face with Muichiro, admittedly, the better out of the twins to him. Fortunately for him, that would happen to be the case.

"Oh hi, Mui," Genya replied, mustering up a smile. However, it came off as more squiggly than that of arched. His cheeks subtly warmed up as he suddenly came to realize just how nervous he was. "L-long time no see."

Muichiro softly snickered in response to the stutter, momentarily causing Genya to fluster all the more. How embarrassing.

"It's okay. You don't have to be nervous," Muichiro reassured, briefly patting the side of the taller one's arm. "If it makes you feel better, you've definitely grown into your looks."

"Pfft- whatever that's supposed to mean," a new voice said in replacement of Genya's potential response.

Muichiro nervously folded his lips as Sanemi came into view, carrying a suitcase of his own. Yeah, of course, the boy with the big ego preferred to haul the luggage instead of roll it. That was no surprise to the smaller one.

"Fancy seeing you here," Muichiro said with a gentle smile, lending out his hand for it to be shaken.

Sanemi arched an eyebrow, ignoring the hand altogether.

"Please think before using sayings you've forgotten how to use," He said with the roll of his eyes. "Now, show me where the guest bedroom is."

Muichiro scoffed, facing Genya once again in embarrassment. "Make sure to meet me in the living room. I'll give you a house tour."

As he made that promise, he gestured a phone sign with his hands and brought it up to his ear, shaking it lightly. Genya lingered in his stance, blushing slightly in response to what he didn't quite understand. Perhaps that was just one of many gestures Muichiro had forgotten how to use properly.

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