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Weeks had passed since Genya and Muichiro had finally made it official, and the time to leave was near. It was devastating as much as it was inevitable, and the two made it obvious they were aware of that.

As the days stretched on, they drew closer, carving out time for each other whenever they could, as if savoring the last drops of something sweet and fleeting. Each shared glance, each touch, carried a quiet intensity—a mutual understanding that their time was limited. Every stolen moment felt like a gift, a chance to fulfill the unspoken desires they had for one another.

Today was one of those fortunate days, their hands wandering through forsaken bricks and barrels, lips traveling in shortcut directions. The bright sun bled into Muichiro's room as they went at it, passionationately perched against his dresser in peak fixation. You could hear Muichiro's hums, Genya's chilling breaths, and the harmony they constructed together when collabed.

They'd started making out a while ago, but it seemed like the pleasing sensation had only just begun. Their eyes remained closed, the motivator for their continuation being subtle noises. Or maybe the way their eyelashes slightly brushed with every subtle pull. Perhaps their hands as they skimmed through shapely features.

It was when the first step came about on those grandeur stairs that the need to remain intimate was no longer necessary. After the initial step came a second and third, perhaps a fourth. But for sure, without a doubt, before a fifth step could be perceived, Muichiro and Genya had separated as swiftly as their bodies could bring them to.

Muichiro's bedroom door abruptly swang open the second the two had departed. They were out of breath, their eyes agape and cheeks ablaze, movements almost undeniable.

"Why did they have to send me...?" Yuichiro moaned in disgust, clearly aware of the actions taken prior even if he hadn't seen them for himself.

Muichiro folded his lips in embarrassment as he gently pushed Genya farther away. "Ah, sorry, u-umm," he fumbled with heavy breaths. "Did you need something?"

Yuichiro rolled his eyes, crossing his arms as he did so with a look of  intolerance. "We're all in the game room. Come down and hang. Daddy's orders."

"Right," Muichiro acknowledged, his cheeks reddening all the more as the embarrassment sank in. "Let him know we'll be right down when we're done—"

"Making out."

"W-what? No—"

But it was already too late. Yuichiro was long gone, patting himself on the back for another jest-well-done.

Immediately after the door clicked shut behind the eldest twin, the room seemed to hum with the tension left in the wake of his exit. Muichiro and Genya exchanged a glance, eyes flickering with something unspoken yet undeniably clear—a shared want that lingered in the charged air between them.

Muichiro, catching the way Genya’s gaze softened, took a quiet breath and reached up, his hands gently cupping Genya's face. He pulled him closer, their foreheads touching as their noses brushed, a quiet intimacy settling in. Slowly, deliberately, Muichiro pressed their bodies together, his waist aligning with Genya's in a subtle but unmistakable movement. The heat of the moment surged in the space between them, and Genya’s heart raced, the fluttering in his stomach growing more intense with every second the butterflies danced.

"You really think we should join them?" Muichiro spoke softly, his eyes already giving off his scandalous choice of options.

Genya intensely gulped, a bead of sweat rolling down his face as the temptation gradually kicked in. His eyes found Muichiro's, and if it weren't for his reach on self-control, there's no guaranteeing the others would be seeing their faces.

When They Realized (GenMui)Where stories live. Discover now