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"Call me when you need a ride back," Sanemi said as he drove off.

Muichiro, Yuichiro, and Genya looked at each other, shrugging in unison before facing the vast gathering in their presence. They approached Tengen’s house, greeted by the lively buzz of a bonfire party in full swing. The front yard was a sea of activity, with a large crowd milling around, holding red plastic cups, and swaying to the pulsating beat from the speakers.

The yard was festooned with strings of fairy lights, their soft glow casting a warm, inviting light over the gathering. Tables lined the edges of the yard, laden with snacks and drinks. A few people were engaged in animated conversations while others danced energetically to the music, their movements punctuated by laughter and cheers.

The twins and Genya navigated their way through the groups of partygoers. They scanned the crowd, searching for their friends in determination.

“Looks like everyone’s here,” Muichiro said, his gaze sweeping over the animated scene.

“Yeah, it’s definitely more lively than I ever would've expected,” Genya replied, chuckling as he sidestepped a group dancing energetically. “Let’s find Tanjiro and his friends. They should be around here somewhere.”

Yuichiro nodded, “I saw them earlier. They should be easy to spot.”

The trio continued to make their way through the crowd, exchanging smiles and brief comments about the party's atmosphere. It wasn’t long before they spotted Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke clustered near a table full of snacks.

“There they are,” Muichiro announced, pointing.

Tanjiro looked up and waved enthusiastically. “Hey! Muichiro, Yuichiro, Genya! Over here!”

Zenitsu, looking slightly confused for whatever reason, waved slowly. "Woah, you guys made it.”

Inosuke, wearing that signature mischievous expression on his face, grinned broadly and let out a loud, “About time you showed up! I was starting to think you wouldn’t come!”

The three newcomers joined their friends, who were already cracking jokes and laughing. Tanjiro motioned them to follow. “Come on, let me take you to the bonfire.”

They followed Tanjiro, Zenitsu, and Inosuke inside the house. The interior was cozy and warmly decorated, with soft lighting and an inviting atmosphere. The living room featured a large sectional sofa arranged around a coffee table, and the walls were adorned with eclectic artwork.

Eventually, Tengen encountered the group, an intriguing expression on his face as he posed. Tengen was a striking figure, tall and muscular, with white hair that contrasted sharply against his dark, elaborate clothing. He wore a significant amount of jewelry, including large, ornate bracelets, and a variety of earrings, which jingled softly as he moved. His red dotted makeup surrounding his left eye added to his flamboyant presence.

"Quite the crowd looking as flamboyant as ever," he sang, a slight grin occupying his lips.

“Nice place you’ve got here, Tengen,” Genya remarked, admiring the decor. He knew him around the neighborhood, but he'd never been in his house.

“Glad you like it. I try my best,” Tengen replied before pivoting his body in the other direction. "Let me take you all to the backyard.”

The group followed Tengen through the back door and into the expansive backyard, where the main event was taking place. The bonfire blazed brightly, casting a golden glow over the assembled group. Lawn chairs and blankets were arranged around the fire, and a large table had been set up with marshmallows, graham crackers, and chocolate bars for s’mores. The group around the fire was a colorful and diverse collection of individuals.

When They Realized (GenMui)Where stories live. Discover now