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To provide a little bit of context, the Tokito's and the Shinazugawa's have known each other for quite a long time now. After all, Mr. Tokito studied in the same school as Kyogo, seeking similar education in very relative majors. Mr. Tokito wasn't fully aware of a lot of the things going on in Kyogo's life, but he learned to admire him for what was already visible. The two quickly became close, working hand in hand to achieve the future they both wanted.

As a result, whenever they began having offspring, those children would naturally learn to grow close as well. With that blooming relationship came a not so well thought-out routine.

Every summer, Genya and Sanemi were to be sent to the Tokito family's abode while the rest of their siblings went to their grandparents. It initially began in Muichiro's third year of elementary school. That was the one summer Muichiro was required to abandon his bed for a couch. The house felt tight and almost crowded, yet strangely empty all at the same time. It seemed like they were constantly running out of snacks every week. The twins hated it without a doubt.

Luckily for them, the issue wouldn't persist for long. Every summer after the first, Mr. Tokito made sure to prepare enough room for everyone to remain content. He balanced the schedule, enforcing rules he believed would regulate the household. As time went on, the children slowly succumbed to the improving regime, growing comfortable in each other's presence. They created meaningful bonds, some more significant than others. It was routine.

Until one summer changed that.

Out of the blue, Muichiro's third year of middle school, the Shinazugawa's didn't show up. It was strange, to say the least; receiving the sudden news, that is. Yet, the twins took it with determination, acknowledging that there were many potential summers up ahead. Or at least, that's what Muichiro attempted to assure himself when informed.

Truth be told, Muichiro unfortunately had it the hardest after the news. He was rather upset. Just the year before, he was convinced that he was developing a deeper feeling for the younger Shinazugawa. Unsure of what the feeling in particular was, he learned to embrace it, engaging in conversation with Genya a little more in hopes he'd discover himself along the way. In fact, he was just so close to realizing exactly what he needed. However, that summer that the Shinazugawa's refused to visit was the summer that his progress hit rock bottom.

The feelings had vanished, whatever they were, along with the motivation Muichiro brought with them. It left him curious, confused, and most importantly, defeated. Hence, the reason he wasn't completely sure what action to take next criss-cross applesauce, knees touching Genya's as they played uno as a duo.

"Do you have any nines?" He whispered to Genya up close, somewhat nervous considering the close proximity.

"No..." Genya answered with a disappointed sigh. "I'll just pick up a card."

The two males across from them snickered as they watched Genya surrender to the deck. It was Yuichiro and Mr. Tokito up against Genya and Muichiro, and the former of the two groups were undoubtedly taking the gold home. Their cards were decreasing by the second, embarrassing the other two, who felt as though they hadn't played in years.

"Hah! It's a color card!" Genya exclaimed, a cheeky grin pursuing his lips as he slabbed it onto the stack. "Green."

Yuichiro and Mr. Tokito faced each other, sharing a mutual expression of pity. In unison, they burst into laughter, the game room filled with their sudden uproar. Yuichiro even slapped his knee a few times, completely in the moment of his own amusement.

"Omg, color card so scary," he taunted sarcastically as he placed his very last card onto the stack, the requested color green. "Aaaand we win," he declared, proud.

Muichiro rolled his eyes, throwing his cards in the air as he sat up. There was no doubt his families nonsense caught up to his limited tolerance. He was fed up.

"You guys are so toxic. I'm going upstairs."

"Oh, c'mon Mui," Mr. Tokito pleaded as his youngest son walked off. "We didn't mean any harm."

Ignoring his father's mediation, Muichiro pursued in his steps, only focused on the stairs up ahead leading to his bedroom. It was a long night, and all he truly desired was a reasonable amount of sleep.

At the game room, Genya awkwardly stared back at his opponents, somewhat impacted by Muichiro's minor tantrum. He nervously looked at his cards before sliding them gently onto the table, discarding them from his grasp. His former teammate was up there sulking alone; it was only reasonable that he accompanied him to lighten the mood.

"I'll uhh... talk to him," Genya said before removing himself from the game room as well and heading toward Muichiro.

When he arrived at Muichiro's bedroom, he planted a few light taps on the door.

"Come in," Muichiro monotoned, clearly unamused by whoever was on the other side.

Genya gulped, slowly stepping into the vast area of the bedroom. Upon noticing Muichiro, a soft smile spread across his face as he gently shut the door behind him. The smaller one was already immersed in an activity of his own, The Sims—a game he turned to whenever he was eager to be left alone.

"What?" He chimed, spinning in his office chair to face the taller one.

"I was just coming to check up on you," Genya explained, nervously scratching the back of his neck. "You seemed a little pissed back there."

Muichiro scoffed, flailing his hand to shrug off Genya's allegations.

"Don't worry about me," He said, shutting off the PC in front of him. "I just needed an excuse to leave."

He let out a sigh, exiting the grasp of the office chair, his plush bed calling out to him. Night was no stranger to arrive, and it pulled at his eyes that begged to sleep. Even if this was the connection he needed at the time, it wouldn't be able to last for long.

"Well, I'm about to go to sleep so... see you tomorrow?"

Genya nodded, placing his hands in the pockets of his sweatpants. "Mhm, see you tomorrow."

He turned to leave, prepared to experience a tranquil night of his own. The house was silent, indicating that the others must've met their beds as well. That included Sanemi, who'd met his slumber before everyone else.

Just as Genya was about to step toward Muichiro's bedroom door, he felt a sudden pressure against his stomach. Startled, he looked down to see Muichiro's head resting gently on his chest. Taken aback by the unexpected embrace, he gasped, nearly tilting over. Regaining his balance, he stiffened in embarrassment, unsure of how to react to the sudden closeness.

"Goodnight," Muichiro whispered, his head still facing sideways as it remained on Genya's chest, arms wrapped around in a gentle embrace.

Genya shamefully flushed, his shoulders tense as he processed the close proximity and physical contact. He failed to recall the last time he shared a hug with pretty much anyone, Sanemi included. Nervously, he gave Muichiro a few brief pats on the back, relative to the awkward male side hug. Experiences like this were often foreign to him. He didn't know how to handle them.

"Er—yeah, g-goodnight," he sputtered, his face heating up once again as he processed his nervousness.

After a moment that felt like an eternity, Muichiro pulled away, his eyes lingering on Genya's for just a second longer than necessary. The look in Muichiro's eyes was soft and tender, and Genya couldn’t help but feel a flutter of something he hadn’t felt in a long time.

With a final, deep breath, Genya turned and walked out of Muichiro's room, his mind still reeling from the sudden embrace. As he stepped into the hallway, he paused for a moment, the cool air outside Muichiro's room helping to calm his racing heart. He glanced back at the door, a small, almost shy smile forming on his lips before he made his way to his own room.

Closing the door behind him, Genya leaned against it for a moment, letting the cool wood soothe his heated skin. He couldn’t help but replay the moment in his mind, the sensation of Muichiro’s embrace, the whispered goodnight. It was a simple gesture, but it meant more to him than he could articulate. Perhaps returning wasn't so bad after all.

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