REMIEL HAD NOT been expecting an underground base in the middle of a park. Especially not a park she'd gone to multiple times before.
But that was where she sat now, Nightwing beside her looking amused, and Robin very disgruntled.
They'd missed White Canary. Again. But Shan Ling was adamant that the woman would be caught one day and brought to justice. They'd deal with that later. Right now, Remiel wanted answers. And the White Canary was the least of her problems.
"Back when this park was still the Kowloon Walled City, the sect kept a base. Away from the jurisdiction of the British, unreachable by the Chinese. Peace found in the chaos. When the Walled City was demolished, they missed the base entirely." Shan Ling was pouring them tea. They sat around a table. She seemed entirely at peace.
"I'm sure you have many questions," the woman murmured, placing the teacup back onto the table. "Feel free to begin asking them."
"When did you find me?"
"I didn't." Shan Ling paused. "Your uncle heard reports of a qi wielder active in Hong Kong. He sent a few people to investigate, since this is the stuff we're curious about. Imagine the shock when they realised you were of our bloodline."
"Why not kill me then?"
"We weren't sure who you were. We're still not completely sure who you are. You could be any number of lost daughters we've had over the years, really. We are a big family. Branches everywhere. Did you know you have three other uncles and one other aunt? And that's just the main branch. We are everywhere, truly. Even a few global branches." She glanced at Nightwing and Robin. "Even a few in America."
"I'm only half American," Robin grumbled. He was promptly ignored.
"Why are you in Hong Kong, then?" Remiel asked.
"I'm sure you can piece that together."
"White Canary. You're hunting her down. So is anyone hunting me down?"
"Officially, sanctioned and known by the entire sect? No. Secretly?" Shan Ling paused. "Most likely, yes. Shan Heng doesn't like taking his chances. But all the sect members here are under my care and loyal to me. You don't need to worry about them. They won't sell you out."
"What are the sect's plans for me, then?"
"That depends." Shan Ling glanced at her. "You do look like my brother. You are certain you are his daughter, though? Wouldn't want to make any mistakes. If you were anyone else, Shan Heng would not feel the need to eliminate you."
"The timeline all fits. And like you said, I look a lot like him."
Shan Ling was quiet for a little while, digesting that information. "You call yourself Mei here in Hong Kong. Phantasma in America," she casted a look of disdain at Nightwing and Robin. She didn't seem particularly fond of the fact that they were having this conversation in front of them. "Mei, as we know, is a name shared by a high-ranking member of the League of Assassins."
"I was a member of the League. I was under the care of Seraphina al Ghul."
"Cao." Shan Ling shook her head. "This all gets more convoluted and complicated. Seraphina al Ghul must have figured out who you were. We... deal with the League sometimes. She should have returned you to us. Are your loyalties to the League?"
"My loyalties are to myself." And thank god Seraphina hadn't handed her back to the sect. She'd have been killed in no time. Perhaps her uncle would make it seem like an accident.

NO CELESTIAL / dick grayson
Fanfictionplease hold on to this dizzy world, because you're by my side fem!oc x dick grayson