twenty, relatives

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DAMIAN'S EYES NARROWED on Remiel as she sauntered into the apartment the next day. After a long moment, he announced, "There's bruises on your neck."

She shot him a glare.

She had many bruises all over her body. Some from fights. Some from accidents. Some from... Well, no need to go into that. They'd all fade away eventually. Dick had helped patch her up last night. White Canary hadn't wounded her up too badly—most of it was just blunt damage. It hurt, no doubt, but it wasn't dangerous or deadly. She'd be fine. She'd survived worse.

"Been getting involved in anything recently, Damian?" she asked, adjusting her collar. "I'm surprised Bruce sent you here."

"Father sent me off to the Teen Titans for a while." His gaze narrowed. "They're interesting, I suppose."

Titans? Interesting choice. She'd worked with them during her initial stay in Gotham, though she could hardly be considered a member. She wasn't sure who the members would be now—it had been Dick, Wally, Roy and Karen back then. And Koriand'r.

Her relationship with Koriand'r was... interesting. Dick had a crush on her when Remiel had first arrived on the scene, but at that point that wasn't of anything to her. But later on, it had caused some awkwardness every time she saw Kori. Especially considering the fact that Remiel wasn't precisely dating Dick either. She had no right to be jealous, really, and in the last few months when their relationship had gotten more formal, they hadn't interacted with the Titans or Koriand'r at all. She had no clue where Kori and Dick's relationship might have gone. If they'd dated in the years she was away, if they'd dated in the past year...

Dick wasn't the type to be unfaithful. She trusted him that much. And it wasn't as if a fully committed relationship between them would... well, work. Not if she was still in Hong Kong. She had no right to ask him to commit to a relationship when she knew she couldn't either.

No, they both still had their duties and journeys to go on. Perhaps their paths would remain parallel forever. Or perhaps they would meet sometime in the future and stay as one. Who knew?

"Who's in the Titans now?" she asked, frowning.

"Starfire. Raven. Beast Boy. Cyborg. Blue Beetle. Were you ever a member of the Titans?"

Remiel shook her head. "No. I worked with them a couple times, though. Did you enjoy your time there?"

"I suppose they're not awful."

"And now you're here, huh?"

"Yes. Father said I could learn a thing or two here with you."

"Huh." She pushed her hair back. "You've grown taller."

"I know."

"Don't be so impatient. Play nice." She tilted her head. "I must confess, there isn't all that much to do in Hong Kong except beating up gangsters. I suppose there's this White Canary now too."

Daman's brows furrowed. "I was thinking about what you said she said. Daughter of jade? If it's not Seraphina, then it has to be your birth parents."

"And how on earth would she know my birth parents is my question? I've been thinking about the same thing. I think Seraphina might have a clue of who they are."

"Why did you never find out for yourself?" he asked, tilting his head.

"Didn't want to. If they abandoned me, they didn't want me. I'm not going back to them."

"But wouldn't it be easier and safer to just know?" he asked, frowning. "You don't need to find them. You just need to know who they are, so if they ever come knocking, you'll be ready."

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