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    The sun rose over the glistening dark castle, the turrets ending in sharpened spikes that shone dangerously in the early light. The windows were in abundance, however as (Y/N) stood outside the giant building, surrounded by many other men and women who, like her, were hoping to qualify enough for a position, she could not see anything inside.

"Men on the right! Women on the left!" A guard shouted, his voice gruff and commanding, most everyone immediately complying with his wishes. "Walk in a single line and you'll be escorted to where you'll be tested."

    (Y/N) frowned.


    I wonder what he means by that...

    As she drifted into position, watching as the women filed through the rather large courtyard to disappear around the side, she jolted back to attention when the man in front of her started moving in the opposite direction, readjusting the small pack on her shoulder. Her lips parted as they descended further down what she could guess was the servants' quarters, the floor barren of people and anything decorative. Peeking into one of the rooms, the door having been open a crack, she sighed when seeing the rooms in the same condition as the hall: plain with only small beds, a nightstand, and a chest at the foot of said beds for clothes.

Not the most attractive...

    I guess the luxuries were spared in this instance.

    She snapped back to attention when she and everyone else were then led into a spacious room after exiting the servants' quarters.

    "Attention!" One of the knights shouted.

    Everyone's murmuring fell silent as they looked the guard's way, finding a man beside him who clearly looked to be in a position of power. His hands were clasped behind his back, his form clothed in a simple black, silk suit, the material however suiting his fair complexion greatly. Not only that, but his features were attractive with sharp grey eyes behind glasses, and long dark hair he had pulled back.

"Hello," the man greeted. "My name is Basile Oman, and I am to be in charge of you. The ones that are left, of course. Now, to put it in simpler terms, I will be taking each of you out of this room individually to talk with you and ask you a series of questions. From your answers, I will then determine if you are qualified to stay or not."

    Murmurs of agreement shifted throughout the room. Snapping his fingers, Basile gestured to one of the men in the front towards the knights who began to lead him into a different room. Seconds ticked by, then minutes. It wasn't long before small chatter and movements began, the guards in the room saying nothing against the actions.

    (Y/N) sat.

    Her expression remained stoic.

"So, what are you here for?" A voice to her left questioned, (Y/N) turning to spot an older man sitting beside her with a warm smile.

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