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    "A... job?" (Y/N) tilted her head in confusion. "What for, Your Highness?"

"I want you to be my personal attendant," Adrian replied, his serious expression never fading, even as surprised flashed over her own.


He walked closer and set a hand on her shoulder, his grip firm, but not enough to make her wince, as something then unexpected happened that made her have to do a double take.

He smiled.

"Ever since what you told me in the cabin, I honestly was amazed," he then let go of her shoulder to walk away, staring at one of the many paintings that lined the wall, his hands resting casually in his pockets. "No one speaks to me like that. Yet you, a mere servant, were able to do that. I need more people like that, since, practically all my life, I've been told what I wanted to hear, and given what I wanted. And the most interesting part?"

"Yes?" She glanced up.

"You say you despise me, yet your loyalty to the royal family is unwavering," he continued, his eyes piercing through her own.

    (Y/N) was almost unsure of what to say, having never expected for Adrian to confide in her as he was doing now. In fact, the longer she stared at him, the more she wondered if he was requesting her assistance as his personal aide for her a reason, one he just couldn't disclose at this time.

    I wonder...

What is his angle?

"I'm sure you're fully aware that being my personal attendant requires you to be by my side at all times, along with handling my schedule, personal affairs, and duties," Adrian then hummed, using his hand to tick down the list, running the other through his ruffled hair. "Unfortunately, my previous attendant did not live up to my expectations, so the slot has remained empty... but now, I believe you can surpass them."

    (Y/N) let out a slow exhale of breath.

    I can't really reject him, can I?

    He's the Prince.

    "Of course, Your Highness," she bowed, also lowering her gaze to the dark, concrete floor. "I'm honored you think so highly of me."

    Small laughter made her falter.

    "Father was right," he shook his head. "Your words really are too stiff."

    Straightening up, she didn't really know what to say after that, the small moment of bravery of speaking her mind back in the cabin escaping her, knowing that it was only the pressure of the situation that made her snap. She knew she could never do that again. But something about how Adrian spoke to her made her think that he was lonely.

    Well, lonely isn't the right word.

    Maybe exasperated?

    He was exasperated that the people around him always let him say and do what he wanted, no consequences or anything, and he was tired of it.

    But that was just in the moment.

    I would never dare say anything to him like that if it were a different situation.

    "(L/N), how decent are you with a sword?" Adrian queried, making her snap out of her thoughts and back to their conversation.

    "Fairly decent—why do you ask, sire?"

    "You will also be my personal guard, so we need to test your skills, as is required," he stated, once more gesturing with his head for her to follow him, their footsteps slowly growing faint to the people still occupying the room. "Of course, I also have expertise in the area, however one must always be prepared, as was proven not mere hours ago."

    "Of course, Your Highness."

    The pair grew silent after that, which was fine, as neither wanted to speak more. They were each occupied by their own thoughts.

    Exiting the major building into the courtyard, many servants and guards still roaming the lot to try and maintain the tragic state most of the flora and statues were left in, they walked along the main pathway until they reached the stables, taking a sharp right where a clearing lay. The grass was cleared away years ago to the brown of dirt and rock, racks of weapons and shields and medical supplies dotting the space, an over hanger to provide shade with having been constructed as well.

"We'll start easy, see how you block and parry, attack and hold your weapon, before moving more in depth," Adrian explained.

    He then examined the rack of swords with a finger placed to his chin before picking one with silver finishing inlaid on the hilt that encased that dark engravings. (Y/N) decided to choose a rather simple one, the black hilt ending in a blunt point, twirling it around her fingers once to get a feel for it before facing the man.

"Is it alright for no one to be spectating, sire?" She questioned, the two now circling each other.

"Yes, as it's not a formal match, merely a little skirmish to, as stated before, test your skills to see if you truly are worthy to be my personal attendant," he reminded, lunging forward unexpectedly.

She only had a moment, a fraction of a second, to raise her weapon.

Blinking in surprise, she shoved him away.

He's much better than those of my village.

But I can still prove worthy.

Gritting her teeth, both she and him ran forward with both hands gripping their weapons tight, meeting each other in the middle as the horrible screech of metal against metal rang throughout the air, their muscles straining and visibly shaking as they hoped to push the other away. This went on for what seemed like hours, but in reality was probably only a few minutes, as multiple swings were dealt and blocked.

It was familiar to (Y/N).

Like a dance with steps she finally recalled.

The ones back in the village and the enemies that she had fought from Chalar were nothing compared to Adrian. The way he fought almost mirrored hers exactly. Which was why when both pulled away, sweat dripping down their temples, faces obviously flushed, small smiles crept over their lips.

She had passed.

    She had passed

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