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     When Adrian's lips connected with (Y/N)'s, he relished the softness and warmth of her flesh, pressing deeper and further until he had forced her back against the edge of the table. (Y/N) stood paralyzed as Adrian's hand then buried itself in her hair, his eyes closed and his heart beating faster than it had ever had before. She kept her own eyes open, staring at the face of the man whom she thought only saw her as a servant or maybe even a friend, but never as someone to become romantically involved with.

    Adrian savored the flavor that he had only been wondering about, completely lost in his own euphoria of the moment. In the past, even though he wanted to see (Y/N) as only a friend, he couldn't, because in the deepest parts of his mind, he was undeniably attracted to her.

    He didn't know why.

    He had never felt such a need to be close to someone before.

    He had never felt that desire.

    When finally opening his eyes only to meet hers still wide open and shocked, he smiled, the movement seeming to spark a reaction out of (Y/N) who quickly turned her head the other way, effectively breaking their lips' connection.

    What... was that?

    Why did he kiss me?

    None of this makes any fucking sense!

    Gently pushing Adrian aside since he was still the Prince, forcing her emotions not to get the best of her, she smoothened out both her expression and her uniform in hopes of removing the interaction from her mind. Adrian, however, was almost ecstatic, finding that her reaction was unexpected as he believed she'd scream, be disgusted, or run away, not be totally and utterly undisturbed.

    (M/N) stayed.

    He's here... right now... with me...

    "Why... did you do that, Your Highness?" (Y/N) questioned whilst staring at the floor, obviously  conflicted over what to do.

    "Because I wanted to."

    "B-But... that doesn't make any sense!" She tried to reason, giving an almost disbelieving smile as she held her hands up. "I-I'm a man!"

    "So?" Adrian tilted his head, taking her hand into his own and relishing the way she flinched when he had them cup his face. "Man or woman, I want you—no, I need someone like you." He smiled eagerly, pulling her in and wrapping one arm around her waist while the other still gripped her hand tightly, saying, "Someone that will be there for me, protect me, listen to me, stay beside me. You embody all of that perfectly. Regardless of your gender, I want you to rule beside me."

    Her eyes widened, finding his grip on her body almost suffocating.

    "So, what do you say, (M/N)?" Adrian gazed at her expectantly, their bodies flush against one another in a position all too intimate for her.

    "I... can't, Your Highness."

    "Even now... you still won't call me by name," Adrian scowled as he released her.

    "I'm... just a servant."

    A hot flash of anger whipped through Adrian at her words, his hands slamming down on the table to elicit a loud bang that reverberated harshly through the air. His shoulders were hunched and his muscles were taught, revealing just a fraction of his brittle irritation that was only stoked by his interactions with the one whom he desired with all of his being—one whom kept denying him.

    (Y/N) backed away, her nerves buzzing.

"Listen, (M/N)..." Adrian uttered lowly, drawing her attention back to him despite his back still facing her. "I'm only going to let this slide because we're facing an issue that will very well decide the fate of this kingdom. If we were not... you know very well what the consequences would've been."


"Don't...!" He yelled, cutting her off. "...say... anything." Walking toward her, he stopped just inches away so he could mutter into her ear, "When all of this is over, you will be mine." (Y/N) could do nothing but stand there as he brushed past her to leave, he only stopped to order, "And come to my chambers when I call for you. If you don't... I hope you'll be prepared."

    (Y/N) flinched when Adrian slammed the door shut behind him, finally able to feel like she could breath as she sank to the floor, her heart pounding in her chest and her hand reaching up to brush her lips. Sitting there, a disturbed expression resting on her face, she tried to fit the pieces of the almost unexplainable puzzle together. It didn't make sense to her, neither Adrian's bizarre behavior nor his almost possessive actions.

    She took in a shuddering breath.

    From our encounters...


Why so all of a sudden?

As these thoughts raced through her mind, she unsteadily stood to her feet, having to use the wall as a brace whilst she let the pads of her fingers massage against her temples. Slowly pacing out of the room, she wandered the maze-like halls of the castle until she reached her room, promptly falling onto her bed. Turning over so her back was pressing into the thin mattress, she stared up at the ceiling.

I can't even go to sleep.

He wants me to come to his bedchambers...



Sitting up, biting the nail of her thumb, a sudden idea hit her like a hammer. Quickly springing from her bed, she raced back down the halls looking around wildly like a maniac, many people having to move out of her way since she barely paid them any mind. Throwing the door of the medical wing open, startling both Sofi and Komi, she tried to catch her breath.

    "Attendant (L/N)?" Sofi tilted her head as she watched (Y/N) approach, confused. "What are you doing here?"

    "I need your help," (Y/N) confessed. "Now."


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