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    Supporting Adrian up since he was nearly collapsing, the blood leaking from his wound seeping through most of his suit and jacket, (Y/N) used the last of her remaining strength to run and drag him further into the woods, many of the men in black still chasing them while others left towards the now burning castle.


He's so heavy!

Carrying—practically dragging—Adrian along, he made almost entirely of sheer muscle that rippled with each contracting breath he made, (Y/N) was able to successfully evade those chasing them by weaving between the thick foliage and hiding behind a large rock that sloped into an almost cave-like structure. Trying to quiet her breathing as they passed, wiping the sweat running down her forehead off with the back of her hand, she then turned her gaze downward.

I feel like I'm about to commit a sin...

But I need to do this.

Steeling herself, she exhaled after breathing in deeply before stripping off Adrian's heavy outer coat and vest, leading her to blink at the white shirt that hugged his body, showcasing the lean muscles in his arms and broadness of his chest and shoulders. Shaking off the sudden feeling of heat climbing upward to her cheeks, she also peeled off the shirt and winced at the severity of the wound.

It was a gash, about a couple inches long and a couple inches deep.

He would die if she didn't get him help.

Eyes creasing with worry, she scrambled to find any source of water, a small puddle or lake, something, that could clean the wound, luck finding her when she found exactly that, able to use a large leaf to carry the water back to him. Adrian visibly flinched when she touched the wound, even in his unconscious state feeling the pain.

"Sorry..." she muttered, even though he couldn't hear her. "Just... please bare with it, Your Highness. I promise this will make you feel better."

Along with the water, she snagged a few plants that were growing in abundance near the bases of trees that were deep shades of green, something not uncommon in a forest, however the shape and veins of the leaf making it quite easy to recognize. It was an herb, a healing plant, that could be ground into a sort of balm that could be used to treat cuts and wounds.

(Y/N) was glad her mother at least taught her that, finding it coming in handy that exact moment.

Using a nearby rock that fit perfectly into the palm of her hand, she ground the leaves down on another, flatter rock, she doing her best to keep quiet in case there were still any of those masked men lurking around. Spreading the now jelly-like substance across Adrian's lower abdomen, she then ripped off a piece of her shirt—she didn't want to risk his or anyone else's anger if she ripped his—and wrapped his wound tightly after stopping the bleeding.

Releasing a breath she didn't even know she was holding, she leaned back against the smooth concrete base of the cave.

I did it.

This should be enough for the time being to keep him alive...

But he needs to see a doctor.

Leaning her head back, she closed her eyes briefly before shaking her head to snap herself out of her exhaustion. Her worry grew over what had happened at the palace, especially with the fires blazing out of control and the King wounded. Gnawing on the nail of her thumb, a nervous tick she couldn't seem to shake, a realization crossed her mind.

This was strategically planned.

   It had to be.

The King, the Prince, even the Princess, were all in the same place at the same time in a not so heavily guarded area.

It was perfect.

Narrowing her eyes in contempt, (Y/N) clicked her tongue in disgust as she fiddled with the hilt of her sword, the sharp tip digging into the soft dirt and making a little pile where the excess shoved upward. She didn't know how long she had to wait there until the area cleared of enemies, but as she glanced to Adrian beside her, she knew she couldn't stay there much too longer.

Sooner or later, we're either going to be found or the natural elements will take us.

This cave is not good for long term usage.

We're too exposed.

Wincing at the groan that left Adrian's lips when she hoisted him up and supported him by draping an arm over her shoulder and vice versa, (Y/N) crept—and stumbled—her way back towards the  Carmella Palace, keeping deep within the shrubs to stay hidden whilst also scoping out to see if there were any more concealed men among the brush. Though it was early, the sun would be setting soon, and she knew not to be caught out during night.

Taking shelter in the somewhat abandoned shed only known to house garden tools and the like, she cleared a space before covering the ground with a tarp, then gently laying Adrian down on his back. Scavenging an array of tattered cloth and blankets, she placed them among his body to save heat.

She then collapsed next to him, her back to the wall and her knees pulled up.

This will work.

For the time being, it will work.

   I can't risk His Highness' condition.

She then groaned from the wave of pain and exhaustion that passed over her, feeling as if a carriage had hit her, horses and all. Placing her hand against her side, she winced from the pain that shot through her body along with how much blood was on her skin when she pulled her hand away.

This... isn't good.

Grunting from the effort it took to unbutton her shirt to the point she could lift it up to reveal her wound, she scowled from how bad it looked. Ripping another strip from her clothes, she then tightly bound her stomach and side, realizing she too would need a doctor. She shuddered at the thought, knowing that if she passed out and someone found her and took her to said doctor, her true gender would be revealed—not only that, but the punishments for such a crime would not be light.

Her jaw tightened.



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