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    "(M/N), here!" Aadon called, throwing (Y/N) one of the swords and shields that lay resting against the side of the library, all in case of emergencies like the one they were in now.

"Thanks!" She yelled, catching both blade and shield before glancing back to the hovering group, the King obviously growing weaker by the minute that made all of them tense. "Zaahir, Claude, Danny! Take the Princess and His Majesty inside and alert the royal guard for backup!"

Zaahir locked eyes with her after she had spoken, his lips thinning into a small line before giving her a brief nod, his hand rising to wind itself around Seraph's shoulder while the both Claude and Dañero carefully hoiseted Kandef off the ground. Groans of his pain elicited scrunched facial features as fear coursed through everyone's veins, hope of their ruler making it out alive diminishing quickly.

"Your Highness..." (Y/N) approached Adrian, watching as he moved his glare to her form when he heard her voice. "I know that asking this is far above my status, but could you assist—"

"There is no need to ask," he cut her off abruptly as he pulled one of the most beautiful swords she'd ever seen from the holster that hung on his hip, the small jewels inlaid on the handle of the blade catching in the light. "As this country's Prince, I will not let this pathetic attack kill my father, nor stain my honor."

"Of course, Your Highness," she nodded stiffly, a type of respect for him budding at his words.

As she, Adrian, and Aadon then rushed into the forest, they moved to dodge another onslaught of arrows, their tips coated with tar that allowed fire to blaze. When the arrows landed, said flames quickly spread to whatever it caught on, not a minute later many men clothed in black appearing, some even in the trees with the same arrows as before taut against the string of their bows, however most being on the ground with swords of their own. Without hesitation, (Y/N) rushed forward and ran her blade through the first man that was in her peripheral vision, this soon sparking the two she was accompanied by to fight as well.

Her jaw tightened.

The hell is happening?

Blocking one of the larger men's attack, a bead of cold sweat ran down her back.

Who would attack the Carmella Palace?

This isn't good.

If other enemy nations hear about how the King is now weakened, they'll surely try and make a move just like they have.

Her gaze raced to the side when catching sight of another man sneaking up behind Aadon, easily slicing his hand off that held his sword. As he shouted in pain, now defenseless, Aadon was able to stab him through his chest, effectively killing him

"Good work, (M/N)," Aadon complimented as he flicked his sword down, scattering the blood across the grass. "And thank you."

"Of course," she nodded curtly.

Continuing to fight any who dared to approach her, (Y/N)'s eyes however kept being drawn to Adrian who moved swiftly and effectively—it were almost as if he were dancing from the way he effortlessly cut down his enemies. She was almost in awe, finding that it was quite difficult to try and follow his blurred movement. A distant explosion then startled her, her gaze drawing towards the large plume of smoke rising in the direction of the palace, horror striking across her expression at the new realization that dawned upon her: this was more than a random attack, this was designed to be a complete slaughter.

"I'm going to go see if anyone needs help!" Aadon shouted as he raced away. "Keep beside the Prince and protect him, (M/N)!"

With that, he was gone.

"Hah... shit..." she exhaled, cutting down another enemy. "Shit..."

It's fine.

I'm strong.

The Prince is strong.

We'll be fine.

Running in Adrian's direction, she fought through the throng of enemies surround him to stand next to him, her sword raised and her back pressed to his.

"Your Highness, I need to get you to safety immediately!" She yelled through the grunts and screams of those dying and fighting, the former of the sounds even coming from her as her blade screeched horribly against another's own. "We need to move now!"


"Sire, the protocol—"

"Screw the bloody protocols!"

Inhaling sharply at his reply, a part of (Y/N) felt relieved as she too didn't want to leave, believing it better to stay and fight as the adrenaline that rushed through her gave her a sense of familiarity that she hadn't felt in a long time, at least not since she had left her home so long ago. Letting her muscles tighten and wind with each move she made and with each smooth slice of her weapon, she felt as if she was in a place that could not deter her from letting the blade glide through the air. Just as this feeling of ease came over her, it instantly shattered by the unmistakable groan of agony.

    A groan that came from Adrian.

With her sense of serenity and balance broken, it gave one of the men just enough time to whip out a hidden dagger after she had previously knocked his sword to the ground. As he rammed the tip of the blade into the side of her stomach, the air leaving her lungs, she swiftly kicked him away before slicing him through with her sword.

    He fell easily.

    Gasping weakly, clutching at her side to stop the bleeding, (Y/N) tried to block out the pain as she continued fighting, moving steadily towards Adrian in hopes of protecting him. Though he was still defending himself well, he looked ready to pass out from the amount of blood he was losing. Shaking her head vigorously to try and snap away the pain, (Y/N)'s eyes widened when spotting a man cautiously moving towards Adrian's exposed back.

    She rushed forward without thinking.

    She raised her sword as the man did his, metal screeching against metal.

    Blood splatted to the ground.

    A body fell.

    (Y/N) exhaled in relief.

    (Y/N) exhaled in relief

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