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     "Shh!" A voice commanded (Y/N), the owner whirling her around so that she was staring into the familiar amber eyes of Adrian. "I can't believe you didn't listen to me, (M- (Y/N)!"

    "I apologize, Your Highness," she said after removing Adrian's hand from her mouth, backing away from him as much as she could whilst straightening out her rumpled clothing. "But I can't just merely lay about while my kingdom is being attacked, especially when I can do something about it and help in any way I can."

    "So I see," he sighed, leaning against one of the nearby walls.

    Letting her gaze wander the dark room after the air between them had fallen silent—fully aware of Adrian's gaze still pinned to her form—(Y/N) found that it was smaller than she had initially thought, it being just a mere sitting room that had only the bare essentials within. She stiffened when the sound of footsteps could be heard just outside the door, only to relax when they passed.

    "So, how did you find me?" Adrian questioned as he folded his arms over his chest. "Or more specifically, Queen Jannali?"

    "I didn't set out to find either of you," she responded truthfully, giving a shrug of her shoulders when he prickled at that bit of news. "I was only wandering about trying to find the wounded and such to deliver them to Sofi."


    "Ah... Miss Broin, that is."

    "I see... how you call another so casually by her name yet you don't call myself such is beyond me," he started with narrowed eyes whilst watching her grimace at his words. "I'm only saying what is true, (M- (Y/N)."

    "Do we have to go over this again? While we're in the middle of being attacked!?"

     "We will come back to this subject for as long as it will take until you are able to call me by name," Adrian snapped back, his eyes flaming with primal desire as he stared at her, holding himself back very well due to the crisis on his hands, something she was thankful for. "As for this attack that Chalar has pitted against us... it will be their downfall."

    "Then why are we hiding?"

    "This is a strategy," he explained. "If I just go out there with nothing but a sword against an entourage of guards, I'll be slaughtered."

    "Then I'll accompany you."


    "I'll go out there with you," she enunciated the fact as she placed her hand on the sword attacked to her hip. "The last time we fought together against almost unbeatable odds, we made it out alive."

    "I almost died," he reminded her.

    "You didn't, though."

    He parted his lips to speak, but no words could escape since all he wanted to do was stare at her, finding that she was even more beautiful in that moment than ever before. There was something about her resilience that he admired with all of his being, spurring him on to walk forward and cup her face to bring their foreheads together, ignoring her protests as he did so.

    "I swear that when this is all over... I will have you," he muttered softly, his hold over her almost overwhelming. "I swear it. Even if you do not want me, even if you don't love me, I don't care."

    Before (Y/N) could retort his claims, the doors slammed open to let light flood in. Through squinted eyes, she was able to see the outline of Jannali and several men dressed in armor beside her. Standing up abruptly, Adrian moved (Y/N) behind him and drew his sword, she clicking her tongue before she too drew hers and stepped up to stand beside him rather than behind him.

    "My, my~" Jannali's lilting voice rang out, her voice thick with a Chalarian accent whilst speaking the Carmellian tongue. "I had no idea the young prince took on a lover." Her green eyes tilted downward, piercing through (Y/N) as she added on, "And a man at that. No matter, though. Regardless, I'm sure your delightful, horror-stricken reaction will be the same when you watch my men kill him."

    As her words rang out, said guards held their swords and guns at the ready, all pointing at (Y/N), and all with malicious intent. Before her command could be met, a loud bang followed after one of the men dropped with a pained grunt, Jannali whirling around to find Basile holding out a still smoking gun. A group of collected others behind him also drew swords and guns at the ready.

    "I wouldn't be so sure of that," Basile announced with a lift of his chin.

    Jannali bared her teeth in a vicious manner before drawing two, golden daggers from within her dress whilst more of her soldiers swarmed the palace, ready to move at her beckoning.

    "I suggest giving up," she called to the group. "You know how this will end."

    "All in our favor," (Y/N) spat.

    "Silence, servant!" Jannali roared, her dark complexion flushing with heated anger. "You know nothing since you are but a weak and insignificant chain in this larger event we call life. How dare you speak to me that way!"

    "How dare he? How dare you for even thinking you could just come in here and claim my kingdom after what you've done!" Adrian hissed with venom, his eyes now like molten gold that burned with a fiery anger. "I've had enough of your games, Jannali Bea—enough of your tyranny, and enough of your cruel ways. Everything that you've hurt will unravel with your death tonight."

    "Like hell it will," she growled before turning to her men. "Kill them!"

    As if in a choreographed dance, everything erupted into chaos: people fought other people, blood spilled to the ground, and the smell of gun powder and death hung in the air. Nothing was calm. Jannali had, in that moment, spun around in a graceful way and flicked her wrists toward Adrian and (Y/N), sending out the daggers that she had drawn toward them. Luckily, they used their own blades to deflect her attack, running toward her as she to them, a spear at attack.

    (Y/N) grit her teeth as her sword clashed with Jannali's dagger, sparks flying.

    This ends tonight.

    This ends tonight

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