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Side story

Jeong Hyeok immediately run fast towards the hallway and he saw some nurses and Doctor Yu rush in his girlfriend's room.

He stop at the door when he saw how Doctor Yu check on his girlfriend. "What happened?" He asked. Ji woo look at him. "She gain her consciousness  a while ago but she suddenly had a seizure and went like that." She said and try to control her tears. Jeong Hyeok look at his girlfriend. "Uncle, please save her... I'm begging you..." He said.

All of them got startled when her vital sign monitor becomes flat lines.

"Seri...." Ji Woo cried.

"Seri..." Jeong Hyeok cried.


Present days

"You can go home now, Ms. Shim." The Doctor said. Ryu Jin smile widely. "But continue your therapy when you get home, Arasso?" He added. She didn't speak but she let out a small smile.

"Thank you, Doctor..." Jin said. Jin seated beside the bed and look at her. "Don't pressure yourself to remember everything.... One day you will remember it so just relax and take some rest, Hye won..." He said then he let out a small smile. She look at him. "I'm sorry if I couldn't remember you..." She said. "Is Shim Hye won is really my name? Why I couldn't remember even my own name?" She said. Jin hug her to comfort her and to make her calm down. "Hye won is your name... Your a sweet and kind woman." He whispered. "You will remember everything soon but for now please... Don't pressure yourself ,Arasso?" He added.

'I will make sure you will not remember everything... We will start our new life and you will stay with me this time without forcing you...' In Jin's mind.

Mi Kyeong eyes got widen when she saw Hye Won with her older brother. "Eonnie..." She said. "Why are you here?" She said. Jin gave her a death glared. "I mean, what happened to you?" She asked.

"Ahjumma... Please assist her to her room." Jin said. "Yes..."Mrs. Park said.

When the two left, Jin look at his sister. "What did you to do her? Oppa!" Mi Kyeong said. "I don't know what exactly happened to her but she's suffering from amnesia right now." Jin said. Mi Kyeong got shocked. "Amnesia?" She said. Jin look at her. "She couldn't remember anything even her own name and identity..." Jin explained. Mi Kyeong got shocked.

Jin is about to leave when Mi Kyeong suddenly speak. "Tell me... Are you the one who responsible for what happened in the Church where Eonnie was staying?" She asked. Mi Kyeong look at him. "I saw in the news... Did you have to do it just to take back Hye won Eonnie? And Is that the reason why she's been like that?" Mi Kyeong said. Jin look at her intently. "So, you're the one who helped her to escape that day?" Jim said." "Yes... I am... I don't want to see her suffering because of you." Mi kyeong said. Jin let out a deep sigh. "I will let this slide..." He said.

"Just keep your mouth shut, Mi Kyeong while I'm being good to you and to your mother." He said. "You think you can keep her forever? What if her memory will return? She will do everything just to escape you. Oppa, please... If you really love her just give her freedom..." Mi Kyeong said. "That's why I will do everything that I can just to make up to her." Jin shouted. "I will fix our relationship and try to be good to her. I'll treat her right this time, so please... Just  let me do what I have to do for Hye won." Jin said. "Oppa..." Mi Kyeong said.

"She must not remember everything and I'll make sure of it so you better keep your mouth shut, Arasso?" Jin said. "We will start our new life and we will forget the past." He added. "But Eonnie needs to know the past. It's unfair for her-" Mi kyeong said. "Shut up!!?" Jin shouted. He try to calm himself as he clench his fist. "She's my everything... I can't live without her." He said.

Mi Kyeong look at her brother from a far as he is walking upstairs.

Jin look stop when he saw his girlfriend looking at the pictures of him and her. It was taken from their first anniversary.

"It was taken in our first anniversary." He said while approaching her. She still looking at the photo trying to remember it. "Waeyo?" He asked. She look at him, "So it's true... That you and I is in romantic relationship." She said. "I'm sorry, but I couldn't remember anything..." She said. Jin take the photo from her and put it back to the cabinet. He hold her hand and caress her face. "It's okay... I will help you to remember but for now, just do what the doctor said... You must rest and relax your mind."He said. She let out a small smile. Jin kiss her hand, "I love you, Hye won..." He said and hug her. "Im so happy and relief when you woke up..." He whispered.


Jeong Hyeok is staying on the house that he bought for them after they marriage. He is looking at the big picture of Seri that display on the wall in the living room. He is drinking his beer while his tears keep running down from his eyes.

"Why you have to leave me just like that?" He said. "I miss you..." He whispered and drink his beer.


Doctor Yu tell the nurse to prepare and they will conduct CPR but Jeong Hyeok stop him. "No need, Uncle...."He said. "This is the sixth times that her vital sign went flat... Maybe I need to accept the fact that... She's tired and need to take her rest now." He said with his heavy heart and tears escaping from his eyes.

Ji woo cried while looking at her bestfriend who still lying on the bed.

Jeong Hyeok approach his girlfriend and reach her hand and hold it. He kiss her on her forehead. "You know how much I love you, right? You can rest now, babe." He whispered. He couldn't control his tears. "Don't worry about me, Arasso?" He added.

On the seventh times, his girlfriend's vital sign becomes all flat. Jeong Hyeok emotions burst out while holding her hands tightly.

"I love you, Yoon Seri..." He said.

End of flashback

Jeong Hyeok cries as he drinking his last can of beer. "I really miss you, Babe..." He cried.


"Babe..."Hye won woke up with her tears on her eyes. She try to recall her dream about a man but she couldn't. His face is all blurred but in her dream, she's happy while holding his hand.

"Are you okay?" Jin said as he enter her room. Hye Won look at him. "I'm just here to check on you..." He said. "It's raining outside and you're scared to thunders. Are you okay?" He said.

"Did I?" Hye won asked. She look outside but she didn't feel afraid. Opposite on what he said, she found herself being relax and calm while looking at the rain outside.



Sorry for the heartbreaks... But thank you for all your support and love to all my stories that I made... I hope this one will also captures your heart..  🤗🤗🤗

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