You and Loona follow Gwen into the spider verse portal dimension.
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"Huh interesting!" You and Loona say at the same time as you both walk through it. See a variety of Spider People and Creatures walking around, crawling and swinging.
"What you guys think?" Gwen says to you two.
"This place looks awesome." You said to her.
"Yeah what he said." Loona says to her as well.
The spider people all say to you guys. You and Loona say hi back to them.
Gwen leads to you two to where Miguel is at narrating his life.
"Hola!" You said to him
"Hola I see you brought Y/n Gwen and why is there a furry here?" Miguel says to Gwen. Loona growls at Miguel, you put a hand her shoulder to calm her down.
"Excuse me that's my girlfriend and she just got her spider powers." You said to him
"Anyway welcome to the Spider Society." Miguel says to you and Loona tells and you both about the canon event.
"Well we'll probably see them in hell or heaven that I kinda mix feelings about trusting after my encounter with the cherubs." You said to him.
"Oh yeah fuck those cunts." Loona says as well.
"You guys took that pretty well." Miguel says to you.
"Well everyone dies eventually so yeah plus I've seen the spiderman stuff and know the sacrifices comes with being spiderman it hurts still." You said to him.
"Huh alright done if I ever need you two here are these watches." He tosses you and Loona a watch.
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"Thanks Miguel" you said to him and opened a portal back to Hell with the Grimoire.
You both walked into Loona's bedroom.
"I should probably get going." You said to her.
"Wait why don't you spend the night with me? Blitzø is with Stolas right now anyways."