90. June's Moon

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My fingers run through my hair
As I gaze upon the june's moon
I lean on the window frame
Waiting for moonlight to claim
It's vast sky where the moon and I
Finally meet, and I wear off my veil of deceit

I spend the evening alone with no one to lean on
As night emerges, I go to my window and gaze upon
The very moon which comes to my window
I tell my secrets to it from long ago
I reminisce the memories of my happy days
I share it with the moon, and mention every clichés

My fingers point to my dearest moon
The moon who knows my darkest secrets
My deepest unshared and unvalidated feelings
That I would never dare to tell anyone else
But the sky colonizer moon
The moon I gaze upon at midnight in june

~written by shalini~

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