Gaining Trust

19 5 14

★ Innessa

" How can I help you Katrina ? " Abdul Aziz questioned in an engaged tone as he was busy typing something into his laptop.
" Sir, I was actually free and was thinking about lending a hand ! "
" No. I'm sorry but I am fine. "
I became quiet alittle before continuing.
" Sir... it is not about being fine. It is about organizing the whole event nicely and quickly. Please sir, It'll be a pleasure to work alongside with you !" I insisted further so that he would agree. Abdul Aziz glanced at me for a few seconds before sighing.
" Miss Katrina, I know you want to help however I am fine. You should go back to your department. "

' Such a pain... '

" I can understand you want to do everything alone but you'll not be able to do that all by yourself. " I said as I started glaring at him.
" Well-" I sighed.
" If you want to do everything by yourself, then do it. " I declared before turning around when he called me.
" Okay, fine ! Help me out but only for a day. Then you can go I guess... "

Manipulation tactics worked.

" Absolutely sir ! How can I help you ? " I quickly came up to him when he raised his hand without looking at me.
" First, remember your distance. Stay away please. "
" Oh, I apologize for executing such behavior. " I said as pulled my glasses upwards.
" I have to talk to somebody on the phone. While I do that, you have to check the presentations of every departments' head. " Abdul Aziz said as he started pressing few keys of the keyboard.
" On where ? "
" On my computer. But there are also other important information about the event so kindly try not to do anything which'll violate the privacy. " Abdul Aziz opened the window where the name of department was types in as well. When I saw him saying greetings on the phone and exiting the office, I took the advantage of the opportunity.

I took out a lipstick, which was really not a lipstick. It had a USB inside it. I plugged the USB inside the USB port of CPU and selected the files all related to the event, copied them and the transmission started. After a minutes or two, I unplugged the USB when I realized the data had been transmitted to the USB. Afterwards, I started checking the presentations and started correcting them. The most natural way in which I can easily commit the sabotaging will be winning trust of Abdul Aziz and make think that I will be an asset to this event instead of a threat. So I tried to correct every presentations and added some additional elements to make it presentable. Although I was done with only three presentations right now, Abdul Aziz shouldn't take that much time to be on a phone with somebody.

Actually there are lots of departments here. Finance department, designing department, service department, IT department, legal department, supply chain department, sales department and marketing department. Although they are Alexander's enemy, they are success for a reason. Every successful person is organized. Yeah, and if Alexander was here, he would've sliced my throat apart. After ten more minutes, Abdul Aziz finally came back.

" Miss are they done ? " Abdul Aziz questioned while putting his phone back into his pocket, approached the shelf to take out some documents and started viewing them while sitting on one of the couch in the centre of the office room.

' These two friends' office room's arrangements are too similar.. '

" Almost yes. This one's the last one. " I said while my voice had a slight hint of joy.
" You are happy correcting the presentations? " While his voice gave the sense of genuine curiosity.
" It is first time working with such an important person you know ! "
" I'm just an ordinary person.. " Al though I could only see his back but I felt as if he had sadly smiled.
" You shouldn't think that inferior you know ! " Abdul Aziz just scoffed at my statement, as if he didn't wanted to continue the conversation.

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