A Second Chance at Fate

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Another working day, another tiring day. Today was Saturday and as usual, I was feeling exhausted but at the same time, I was ecstatic due to the fact that it's only a matter of a while before I'll be meeting with Aylin today.

I was on half day because Aylin told me to meet up with her on the day of her last exam since it had been so long we last met due to my busy schedule. I was caught up with my thoughts when somebody knocked onto my door.

“ Come in. ” I commanded whilst Abdul Aziz entered the room with an envelope.
“ A postman delivered this letter for you. ” Abdul Aziz hastely turned back to exit as he was already busy with his work.
“ A postman? ” I frowned my brows in confusion when I saw the name and address.

Musfirah Benedikt? I've no idea who's she.

I thought as the door closed infront of me and I was left all alone in my office. I opened the envelope to find a beige coloured page on which words were written in a neat handwriting with a black ink pen. The more I read, the more I got surprised. I soon realized who wrote this letter–Katrina.

Dear Mustafa, 

As-Salamu Alaikum. I hope my letter finds you in the best of health and Iman. Firstly, I would like to express my gratitude for you. Thank you so much for your generosity from time to time. You saved me in more ways than one. I am sure you must've recognized me by now–Katrina. The woman who once decieved you but today, I am writing you as a completely different soul–Musfirah.

I cannot truly thank you enough for showing me mercy when I didn't deserved it and showing me the beautiful side of Islam which touched my heart deeply. Alhumdulillah I have reverted and it was possible only because of you. Thank you once again for opening my eyes and allowing me to see the truth. It's unexplainable how beautiful this journey was for me. The connection I feel with Allah, the clarity and the peace is something I never imagined to feel in this world.

With this faith, I came to know about numerous things which were unknown to me before, about life and my own self and with this letter, I want to be completely honest with my feelings and intentions. With a heart full of sincerity, I would like to ask for your hand in marriage. I have acknowledged that it might be a tough decision for you but I seek to build a life rooted in faith, mercy, and love, and I cannot think of a better partner for this journey than you.

Please take your time in considering this, and may Allah guide us both to what is best.

With gratitude,

I was appalled. I admit that I actually was never fond of her but now I am taken by genuine surprise. Not only she has reverted but now she is asking my hand in marriage? Suddenly Zeynep came into my mind while I was thinking about this matter. I may have moved on a along time ago however it is still painful for me, considering that I have no idea what might happen in the future and how Musfirah is now. Maybe she has became better or maybe she's just like Zeynep.
Despite everything, I want to forget about our past since she has reverted but I am insecure. In the past, I was married to Zeynep because I thought she shared my point of view and because I really liked her as well and I feel like history is repeating itself. Musfirah may share same beliefs and principals as I do but what if she turns out like her?

I folded the letter and put it back in the envelope. Maybe I'll ask her. I have to meet her in a while as well so I'll just ask for her advice then.

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“ If killing was lawful and physics was a person, I would've killed it a long time ago.” Aylin exclaimed with a disappointed expression while telling me how her last exam went today as I sipped in to the coffee I was drinking before chuckling.
“ You shouldn't wish something like that, Aylin. And besides, do more better next time. There's always a second chance. ” I smiled at her while her eyes smiled back at me.

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