𝗖𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟱

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I hurry over to the elevators which each lead up to the District floors of the tribute center, knowing Finnick is probably looking for me. I don't bother looking back to see if I'm being followed by Cato or anyone else. I just want to get away from the other tributes before I can have another undesirable interaction.

With the luck I've had recently, I can't expect that. I step inside an elevator and firmly press the button marked with '4' and watch as the doors begin to slide shut. They don't close quick enough, though, as two people slip inside. Why can't I be left in peace? To my quickly masked horror, I'm met with the smirk and grin of Cato and that girl from District 1. What was her name again? Shimmer? I remember it being something stupid.

Her blonde hair hangs in long curls, resting on her shoulders. The dress she wears is a blinding pink that sparkles in the light, complete with a matching feathered headdress. It's a lot to take in.

Oh right, her name is Glimmer.

My back is pressed against the side of the elevator, though I try not to look too timid. Especially not in front of them. I'd rather appear unpredictable whilst avoiding their gaze. Glimmer practically hangs off Cato's arm, giggling quietly to herself.

"Hey Distict 4, I'm loving the fish theme. You should let me borrow that dress sometime. Well, when I win that is." She says, her tone incredibly vain as she looks to get a rise out of me. Something about her makes my blood boil. The way she seems to be silently judging me fills me with annoyance. She's like some kind of bully you'd get at school except she can kill you with ease. "So, are you like your brother? Are you good with a harpoon or perhaps a trident? Or maybe you're just pathetic and didn't train, thinking you'd be safe from the games." She continues and I take a deep breath, desperately trying to keep my composure. What is this bias towards people who don't volunteer? It must be looked down upon in their districts. I'm hoping she's only acting this way because she feels threatened.

"You'll have to find out in the arena." I say simply, still avoiding her piercing gaze. She's already on my case with the suggestion that I can use a trident. I can't let her see that. He expression falls into a slight scowl momentarily before going back to vanity. She was probably expecting a rise out of me and I'm glad I didn't give her the satisfaction of that.

"We've got a mysterious one here, Cato. Suit yourself." She says, looking me up and down judgementally before the elevator doors open on the District 1 floor. She struts out without another word, flicking her blonde hair behind her. I'm not sure whether to be pleased because she's gone or not because now I've been left here alone with Cato.

The doors shut again and there's an awkward moment of silence before, of course, he speaks up.
"She seems to like you." He says, the amused smirk on his face indicating that he was being sarcastic. It annoys me.

"Yeah, your girlfriend is pleasant." I shoot back, staring at the doors and I wishing they'd just open so I could get away. I feel trapped in an elevator with a career. Just like Glimmer, his smirk falters as he glances at me from the side.

"She's not my girlfriend—" He starts off, his tone almost a growl. He sighs, holding his tongue. Anger issues too, I see. "You're terrible at picking up sarcasm, Odair."

I shoot him a look from the side, as I think of something to say in response.
"I know it was sarcasm. I was just looking to get a rise out of you." I respond, my eyes trailing to the floor. I'm in deep water now as I know I really shouldn't be having banter with a career.

"You'd better watch out in the arena. Trying that won't do you any favours." He says and, although he's teasing, something tells me he may actually be serious. The elevator doors slide open on the District 2 floor and he turns towards them. "Maybe you're not as different from Glimmer as you think. See you around, Odair." He sends a wink my way and steps out, letting the doors slide shut again behind him. What was that supposed to mean? All I know is that it pissed me off. That's probably what I get for messing with a career.

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