Chapter 27: Summer Break

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The summer break had finally arrived, offering a much-needed respite from the hectic F1 season. As the drivers and their teams scattered to their respective vacation spots, Lando and Cassy found themselves packing for different destinations, a bittersweet feeling lingering between them. Lando was heading to the Greek islands with his friends, while Cassy was flying back to England to work on new designs for McLaren.

"Promise you'll enjoy Greece and not miss me too much?" Cassy said with a teasing smile as she zipped up her suitcase.

Lando grinned, pulling her into a tight embrace. "I promise. You have fun with your designs and hang out with some friends too."

"I will," she replied, her voice slightly wistful. "Just make sure to send me lots of pictures."

"Deal," Lando said, kissing her forehead. "And you keep me updated on all your amazing work."

With a final kiss, they parted ways, each heading towards their respective adventures.


Lando's trip to Greece with his friends was off to a fantastic start. They had chosen a secluded villa on one of the Greek islands, complete with stunning views, private beaches, and the promise of endless relaxation.

"This place is incredible," Max said, dropping his bags and looking around. "Lando, you outdid yourself."

"Only the best for us," Lando replied with a laugh. "We deserve this break."

The days were filled with sun-soaked beaches, boat trips, and late-night parties. Lando found himself genuinely relaxing for the first time in months, enjoying the carefree days with his closest friends. Yet, amidst all the fun, there was always a part of him that missed Cassy.

In the afternoon, as they lounged on the beach, Lando received a text from Cassy. She sent a picture of herself with Alex, Logan, and Oscar, all grinning at the camera.

Look who I ran into! We're having a little design brainstorming session at a café.

Lando smiled, happy to see her surrounded by friends.

Looks like you're having a great time! Miss you.

Miss you too! Enjoy Greece 😊


Back in England, Cassy threw herself into her work at McLaren's headquarters. The design team was bustling with energy, and Cassy found herself invigorated by the creative atmosphere. Her latest project involved designing new merchandise for the team, and she was determined to make it exceptional.

Sarah, her boss, was impressed with Cassy's dedication. "You've been doing fantastic work, Cassy. I can't wait to see what you come up with next."

"Thanks, Sarah," Cassy replied, feeling a surge of pride. "I've got some great ideas. Just need to put them on paper."

During breaks, Cassy met up with Alex, Logan, and Oscar. They had all found themselves in England during the break, and their shared experiences in the racing world created an instant bond.

One sunny afternoon, they gathered at a quaint café near McLaren's headquarters. The conversation flowed easily, filled with laughter and stories from the season.

"So, how's life in the design world treating you?" Alex asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"Busy, but I love it," Cassy replied. "It's great to be working on something I'm passionate about. Plus, the team has been really supportive."

"That's awesome," Logan said. "And it's cool that you get to combine your work with the sport."

"Yeah," Oscar chimed in. "Not many people get to say they design for an F1 team."

Art to fall in love with /// Lando NorrisWhere stories live. Discover now