Chapter 45: Celebrations and Preparations

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The end of the racing season brought mixed emotions for Lando Norris. Finishing second in the drivers' championship was an incredible achievement, one that he and his team celebrated with immense joy. The air in Abu Dhabi was electric as they reveled in their success. Champagne flowed, laughter echoed, and the camaraderie among the team members was palpable.

For a week, Lando and his teammates stayed in Abu Dhabi, not just for the celebrations but also for various marketing videos and end-of-season activities. Despite the festive atmosphere, Lando's thoughts frequently wandered to Cassy, who was now heading back to Monaco with his parents.


Cassy, now nearly seven months pregnant, felt a blend of excitement and exhaustion as she traveled back to Monaco. Her baby bump was prominent, making even simple tasks like bending over to put on shoes or carrying bags a challenge. Lando's parents, Cisca and Adam, accompanied her, ensuring she was comfortable and well-supported throughout the journey.

"Thank you for coming with me," Cassy said to Cisca during the flight. "It means a lot to have you both here."

Cisca smiled warmly. "We wouldn't have it any other way. We're so excited for the baby, and we want to make sure everything is perfect for you and Lando."

Adam nodded in agreement. "Plus, it gives us a chance to spend more time with you before things get really busy."


Once they arrived in Monaco, Cassy felt a wave of relief and anticipation. The apartment she shared with Lando was spacious and bright, with a beautiful view of the Mediterranean Sea. Cisca and Adam immediately set to work, helping her prepare the nursery for the baby's arrival.

Cassy stood in the doorway of the soon-to-be nursery, hands on her back to alleviate some of the pressure. "I can't believe how quickly time is flying. It feels like just yesterday we found out I was pregnant."

Cisca placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "It's natural to feel that way. But you're doing great, and soon you'll have a beautiful baby in your arms."

As they arranged the furniture and decorated the room, Cassy found herself struggling with some tasks. Bending down to pick up items or moving boxes was becoming increasingly difficult. Adam noticed her discomfort and quickly stepped in to help.

"Let me get that for you, Cassy. You should take it easy," he said, lifting a box of baby clothes.

"Thank you, Adam. I feel so useless sometimes," Cassy admitted, sitting down on a nearby chair.

"Nonsense," Cisca replied. "You're doing the most important job of all right now. Let us handle the heavy lifting."


While they worked on the nursery, Lando kept in touch with Cassy through frequent messages and video calls. One afternoon, as Cassy and Cisca were organizing the baby's clothes, Lando called to share some news.

"Hey, love," Lando's voice came through the phone. "Just wanted to let you know that the team has wrapped up all our activities here. We'll be flying back home tomorrow."

Cassy's face lit up with joy. "That's great! We've made a lot of progress on the nursery. I can't wait for you to see it."

"I'm looking forward to it," Lando replied. "I miss you both so much. How are you feeling?"

"Tired, but good. Your parents have been amazing. We've got most of the room set up already," Cassy said, glancing around the room.

"I'm glad to hear that. Make sure you're taking it easy," Lando urged, his tone filled with concern.

"I am, don't worry. Just hurry back to us," Cassy said, her voice softening with affection.

"I will. Love you," Lando said before ending the call.


With the news of Lando's imminent return, Cassy felt a renewed sense of energy and determination. She wanted everything to be perfect for when he got back. Cisca and Adam continued to help, ensuring Cassy didn't overexert herself.

"We're almost done," Cisca said, placing the final touches on the nursery. "What do you think?"

Cassy looked around, her eyes welling up with happy tears. The room was beautiful, decorated in soft pastel colors with whimsical touches that made it feel warm and inviting. A crib stood against one wall, adorned with a mobile of tiny stars and moons. Plush toys and baby books lined the shelves, and a cozy rocking chair sat in the corner.

"It's perfect," Cassy said, wiping away a tear. "Thank you so much for helping me."

Adam smiled. "It was our pleasure. We can't wait to meet our grandchild."


The next day, Lando arrived back in Monaco, exhausted but elated to be home. Cassy greeted him at the door, and he immediately enveloped her in a gentle hug, careful of her baby bump.

"Welcome home," Cassy whispered, resting her head against his chest.

"It's so good to be back," Lando replied, kissing the top of her head. "I missed you both so much."

"Come and see the nursery," Cassy said, taking his hand and leading him to the room.

Lando's eyes widened with amazement as he stepped inside. "Wow, it's perfect. You all did an incredible job."

Cisca and Adam, who were standing nearby, smiled proudly. "We had a great team," Cisca said, winking at Cassy.

Lando walked over to the crib and gently touched the mobile. "I can't believe we're going to have a baby in here soon. It's starting to feel so real."

Cassy joined him, taking his hand. "I know. I'm so glad you're here. I couldn't have done this without you and your parents."


As they stood in the nursery, the weight of their journey and the joy of their impending parenthood washed over them. Lando turned to Cassy, his eyes filled with love and gratitude.

"We're really doing this," he said softly. "We're going to be parents."

Cassy smiled, her heart full. "Yes, we are. And I know we're going to be great at it."

Lando pulled her close, careful of her belly, and kissed her deeply. "I love you so much, Cassy. Thank you for everything."

"I love you too, Lando," she replied, resting her head on his shoulder. "We're in this together, every step of the way."


With the nursery ready and Lando back home, the couple felt more prepared than ever for the arrival of their baby. The support of Lando's parents and their shared love and commitment gave them the strength and confidence to face the challenges ahead.

As they settled into their new routine, they looked forward to the adventures and milestones that awaited them. The journey of parenthood was just beginning, and they were ready to embrace it with open hearts and unwavering love.

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