Chapter 44: Growing Joy

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Weeks passed, and Cassy's baby bump began to show more prominently. Lando, despite the busy racing schedule, couldn't help but touch her belly whenever they were together. Each time he did, his face lit up with joy, and Cassy's heart swelled with love for him. The reality of their impending parenthood was becoming more tangible with each passing day.


Due to the longer flights and the toll they took on her, Cassy decided to stay in England while Lando traveled for the next series of races. It was a practical decision, one made with the health of both her and the baby in mind. Lando was understanding, although he missed her presence beside him.

"Take care of yourself and our little one," he would say before leaving, pressing a tender kiss to her growing belly. "I'll be back before you know it."


With Lando away, Cassy made the most of her time by focusing on her health and the baby's development. She scheduled regular check-ups with her doctor, each visit bringing reassurance and joy.

At one of her appointments, the doctor smiled warmly as she examined Cassy. "Everything looks perfect. The baby is growing well, and all the measurements are right on track."

Cassy felt a wave of relief and happiness. "Thank you, doctor. It's always good to hear that everything is going smoothly."

The doctor handed her a printout of the ultrasound, and Cassy marveled at the tiny life growing inside her. She couldn't wait to show it to Lando.


With Lando on the road, Cassy spent more time with his mother, Cisca. The bond between them grew stronger, and Cassy found herself seeking Cisca's advice on various aspects of motherhood.

One sunny afternoon, they went shopping for baby supplies. Cisca's experience and calm demeanor were a comforting presence for Cassy, who felt a mix of excitement and nerves about the impending arrival of their baby.

"Is there anything specific you're looking for today?" Cisca asked as they wandered through a baby store.

"I'm not sure," Cassy admitted. "I guess I just want to start preparing, but there's so much to think about. Do you have any advice?"

Cisca smiled warmly. "The best advice I can give is to take it one step at a time. Focus on the essentials first: a crib, a stroller, some clothes. You'll figure out the rest as you go along. And don't hesitate to ask for help when you need it."

Cassy nodded, feeling a bit more at ease. "Thank you, Cisca. That helps a lot."

They spent the afternoon picking out items for the nursery, from soft blankets to adorable outfits. Cisca shared stories from when Lando was a baby, which made Cassy laugh and feel more connected to her partner.


While Cassy was busy preparing for the baby and bonding with Cisca, Lando was fully immersed in the racing season. The races were intense, each one presenting its own set of challenges. Despite the physical distance, he kept in constant contact with Cassy, texting her updates and video calling whenever he could.

After a particularly grueling race, Lando would find solace in her messages, her words of encouragement and love giving him the strength to push forward.

Lando: Just finished the race. It was tough, but I gave it my all. Miss you and the baby so much.

Cassy: We're so proud of you! Take some time to rest. We love you more than words can say. xx

The exchange of messages kept their bond strong, even when miles apart. Cassy's love and support were a constant source of motivation for Lando.


One weekend, when Lando had a short break between races, he made a surprise visit home. Cassy was delighted to see him, and they spent the weekend catching up, enjoying each other's company, and preparing for the baby.

Lando couldn't keep his hands off her growing belly. "Look at you, glowing and beautiful," he said, his voice filled with awe. "I can't wait to meet our little one."

Cassy beamed, feeling a deep sense of contentment. "Neither can I. It's getting more real every day."


As the weeks went by, Cassy and Lando continued to prepare for their new roles as parents. They attended parenting classes, read books on baby care, and set up the nursery. Each step brought them closer to the reality of becoming a family.

One evening, as they assembled a crib together, Lando looked at Cassy with a mixture of love and excitement. "I'm so glad we're doing this together. I couldn't imagine anyone else by my side."

Cassy leaned in to kiss him. "Me neither. We're going to be great parents, Lando. I just know it."


Soon, it was time for Lando to head off to the next race. Cassy saw him off at the airport, feeling a mix of pride and longing.

"Be safe and do your best," she said, hugging him tightly. "We'll be cheering for you from home."

"I will," Lando promised, kissing her forehead. "Take care of yourself and our little one. I'll be back soon."


Throughout the race weekend, Cassy watched every session and race on F1 TV, her heart racing along with Lando's car. She sent him encouraging messages, keeping him updated on her doctor's visits and sharing little moments from her day.

Cassy: Had another check-up today. The doctor says everything is perfect. Our baby is growing beautifully.

Lando: That's the best news I've heard all day. Can't wait to hold you both. xx

The constant communication helped them stay connected, despite the distance. Cassy's love and support were always present, providing Lando with the strength and motivation he needed to perform at his best.


As Lando continued to race and Cassy prepared for the baby's arrival, they both took time to reflect on their journey. The excitement and anticipation grew with each passing day, their love deepening as they navigated this new chapter together.

One evening, after a particularly intense race, Lando called Cassy from his hotel room. "I wish I could be there with you," he said, his voice filled with longing.

"I know," Cassy replied, her heart aching with the same feeling. "But we're in this together, even when we're apart. And soon, we'll be a family."

Lando smiled, feeling a wave of warmth and love. "I can't wait for that day. I love you, Cassy."

"I love you too, Lando. Always."


With each race, the anticipation for their baby's arrival grew. Cassy and Lando knew that the road ahead would be filled with challenges and joys, but they were ready to face it together. Their love and commitment to each other and their growing family provided the foundation for everything they did.

As Lando prepared for the upcoming races and Cassy continued her journey through pregnancy, they looked forward to the day when they would finally hold their baby in their arms, knowing that no matter what, they would always have each other.

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