Chapter 10: A Night Takes a Dark Turn

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The club was alive with energy, the music pulsing through the walls, and the dance floor a sea of movement. Cassy felt a mixture of elation and exhaustion from the day's activities, and as she danced with Alexandra, Lily, and Kika, she felt a sense of camaraderie that lifted her spirits.

But it was warm—too warm—and Cassy felt the need to cool down. "I'm going to get a drink," she shouted over the music to Alexandra, who nodded in understanding.

"Do you want us to come with you?" Alexandra offered, concern flickering in her eyes.

Cassy shook her head, giving her a reassuring smile. "I'll be fine. I'll be right back."

She made her way through the crowded club, the heat and press of bodies making her feel slightly dizzy. When she reached the bar, she leaned against it, grateful for the brief respite from the chaos of the dance floor.

"A glass of water, please," she requested from the bartender, who nodded and moved to fill her order.

Unbeknownst to her, a man at the other end of the bar had been watching her intently. He saw her moment of vulnerability and moved closer, slipping something into her drink just before the bartender handed it to her. The man then faded back into the crowd, his sinister intentions hidden by the club's dim lighting and frenetic atmosphere.

Cassy took a sip of the water, feeling the cool liquid soothe her parched throat. But almost immediately, she felt a strange sensation creeping over her. Her vision blurred, and a heavy fog seemed to settle in her mind. She tried to shake it off, but her legs felt like they were made of lead.

She stumbled slightly, gripping the edge of the bar for support. A sense of panic began to rise in her chest. Something was wrong. Very wrong.

Gathering what little strength she had, she turned and started to make her way to the restroom, each step feeling like an immense effort. She pushed through the crowd, her movements growing more uncoordinated with each passing moment.

Back on the dance floor, Alexandra, Lily, and Kika noticed Cassy's struggle. "What's wrong with her?" Lily asked, her voice filled with concern.

"I don't know, but we need to check on her," Alexandra replied, her worry intensifying. The three of them quickly made their way towards the restrooms, following the unsteady path Cassy had taken.

By the time they reached her, Cassy was leaning against the wall near the restroom door, her eyes half-closed and her breathing uneven. Alexandra rushed to her side, catching her just as she started to slide down to the floor.

"Cassy, what happened?" Alexandra asked urgently, but Cassy's response was incoherent. Her words slurred, and her eyes were unfocused.

Lily checked the area, spotting the empty glass still clutched in Cassy's hand. She picked it up, sniffing it carefully. "This doesn't smell right. I think someone put something in her drink."

Kika's eyes widened in horror. "We need to get her help, now."

Alexandra nodded, trying to keep Cassy focused. "Cassy, stay with us. We're here, okay? Just keep looking at me."

But Cassy's head lolled to the side, her body barely responsive. The girls exchanged worried glances, realizing the severity of the situation. Alexandra quickly pulled out her phone and dialed Charles's number, her hands shaking with fear.


Meanwhile, at another club across town, Lando, Charles, Alex, and Max were enjoying their night out, trying to let loose and forget the pressures of their demanding lives. The music was loud, the drinks were flowing, and the laughter was genuine.

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