Random cringe poems

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Body oh body, 

You were never mine to possess 

You brought me misery, your imperfections engraved in my cold mind

I wish you would be visible to my eyes much less 

Less visible to everyone, please dissapear now 

I don't want you here, go away 

Depress someone else to your hearts content 

I do not wish for you to stay 

my mind eats itself away when you come into the picture 

No more I can endure 

I want you thrown away 

Forgotten you shall be, and to forget you I will stay immature 

Ignorant to what you do to my mind 

When I dispose of you I won't be kind 


My heart is heavy 

To lose it all my heart is not ready 

My mind is in a hurry to end itself 

My mind and heart disagrees

My heart is not ready to put my life on the shelf 

It cannot let go 

But my mind is tired and worn 

It wants my life to be torn 

And my heart is screaming and shouting to be heard

But my mind silences it as it can't take anymore 

My mind treats my heart like a little bird 

Like it's too little to understand 

But my mind and heart both just needs a hand 

To pull them out of the dark 


My scars are old 

Some time needs to be the first

The only way to satisfy my thirst 

Is to make new 

For them to press out it's lovely red dew

For a long time I have gone without 

I scrunch my face into an ugly pout

I feel the blade against my finger 

It's dull, but the pain will still linger

My arm is aching to feel the sweet relief 

My head turns into a reef

My thoughts flooding 

And regret sees it's ending 

As i retract my blade 

And my arm is still intact 

I lean back to stop 

I lean back to think about my life

And take a deep breath to fight the urge to lift up the knife 

And there it ends

I'll live on as long as my soul pretends


Damn I wrote these maybe at 4 am yesterday- WAS I OK WHAT IS THISSS 

Eh, who cares.... imma post this anyways, byebye 

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