Chapter 33

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"You're up early, " Oscar commented to Nolan.

"Yeah, I'm meeting Trisha at Friendly's. Do you want to join us?"

"I can't I'm meeting, Kevin and Lyle at the Library."

"I think it's good we're doing things separately. I know you're still not happy with me," Nolan sighed.

"Can we talk about this later when we both get home?" Oscar replied.

An hour later, Nolan pulled up to Friendly's and parked right next to Trisha as she was getting out of her car.

"Nolan, what's going on?" Trisha knew her friend well enough to know when something was up.

So, Nolan told her what happened. "Nolan, I think you and Oscar need your space, maybe you should come stay with me. After we eat, we'll get your stuff and come back to my place."

They ate and Nolan packed. He left a note for Oscar, explaining that he would be gone for a while.

At Trisha's place, she made them milkshakes and sat across from her friend. "I know it's my fault. I should have told him."

Trisha sighed. "You know I love Oscar, Nolan, but sometimes I get the feeling he expects you to be perfect and he's not perfect either."

"Yeah, I agree. I don't know how to say that without starting an argument."

"You two will have to talk it out at some point, but for now you both need your space."

It was later when Oscar got in. Kevin and Lyle were going to stay the night. "Nolan, you here? Kevin and Lyle are here." That's when he spotted the note.


I can't take it anymore. I know I messed up and I'm not perfect like you want me to be, but let's be frank here, neither are you. I love you and I'll be back when I feel we can talk, please don't call me for a few days.

"Everything okay?" Kevin asked.

"Nolan left. I get the feeling a breakup is coming next."

"What if it's not?" Kevin tried.

"I was so harsh with him when he went to see Clearance. I was just so hurt, you know?"

"Oscar, let me ask you this; do you ever talk to Nolan about your past?"

"No, but what does that have to do with this?"

"It has everything to do with this, Oscar. You can't trust Nolan, because you can't still trust yourself. Lyle and I have had arguments, but we've learned to trust each other," Kevin and Lyle smiled at each other.

"I hated it when you're right," Oscar rolled his eyes.

"You'll get used to it," Kevin laughed.

"The first thing I have to do is respect is space. I need to let him come to me. I was wrong to look at his phone too. I should have trusted him."

   "Come on let's walk Piper for the night," Kevin suggested.

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