Chapter 4

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"Jackson where's my patient?" Charlotte asked as she came to an empty area behind the curtain. He was gone, the bed was gone.

"Dr. Joel got him to sign some paperwork and took him for an operation on his leg" Jackson walked up to her

"You're kidding me right?" Charlotte's eyes flashed red with anger. Was he that stupid?

"No" Jackson shook his head "is everything okay?"

"No; if I don't operate on that patient right now he's going to bleed out and die" she said bluntly. Giving Jackson her iPad and speed walking to the OR

She washed her hands, slipped some gloves on, put a hat on quickly and held a mask to her face as she entered.

"We just need to remove the bone fragments" she caught Joel saying to the other doctors and nurses in the room

"Joel" Charlotte said angrily.

He glanced up at her and then back down at the patient "I can't really chat right now, I'm in surgery"

"Joel if I don't operate on the patient, he'll die. His Bp is already low and I don't want it dropping any more" she argued

"Sh" that's all Joel said as he glanced back down at the leg and began poking and prodding it.

"Don't you dare tell me to sh" she almost shouted but realised that she didn't want to cause arguments during surgery "that is my patient"

Joel pushed back on his chair "done" his hands were up.

Just as they had sewed the leg up

"Bp dropping" someone called, beeping filled the room as the patients heart stopped.

Charlotte kicked into action. She straddled the patient and began CPR "someone get the defib" she shouted as she kept pressing down on the patients chest "once he's well we need to operate stat or he'll bleed out"

"Clear" someone said and Charlotte quickly jumped of the man.

"Nothing" the man had the electricity running through him but it didn't do anything. She got back on him and began pressing down again.

A few times more of nothing. The man was dead.

"Call it" Charlotte said, rubbing her forehead

"Time of death 12.36" Joel said, defeated.

Charlotte stormed out of the OR removing her gloves and hat and aggressively throwing them in the bin.

Joel followed shortly afterwards.

"Charlotte" he called after her, knowing he had made a big mistake. A huge on to be exact.

"No Joel; just leave it for now I'm far too angry to speak" she turned around and put her hand slightly up to block him from speaking. After finishing the sentence she turned back and started walking off.

Tears of anger filled in her eyes, yes she was upset because she lost a patient, but adding that she could have saved him if it weren't for Joel's stupidity, it made her infuriated.

Joel kept on following her.

"Joel!" She turned back around after realising he wasn't going to leave it alone "he was my patient..."

Joel realised that all eyes were on them like they were a double act. So he grabbed her arm and pulled her into the closest empty room.

She looked at him, angry and confused. Before shaking off and having a go at him again.

"I could have saved him if it weren't for your incompetence" she groaned

Joel nodded. Taking the criticism.

"You know I've been warned that you only look out for yourself and you only do things that make you look good" she let out "but this isn't your world Joel Goran, there are people you have to look after and if it means letting them lose a leg to keep them breathing then that's what you should do"

"I apologise if I want what's best for the patient" Joel knew he was in the wrong but could hardly stand being beaten in an argument

"You're a real asshole you know that?" She said sarcastically

"Yeah I've already been called that, it's real original" he replied

"Okay; how about pretentious, selfish, dickhead, big headed any one of those take your fancy?" She almost shouted

"I haven't heard pretentious before"he squinted his eyes and gave her a sarcastic look

"Good; I'll make you a bloody name tag" she huffed "pretentious arsehole... Exclaimer! May break your boyfriends nose" she finally let out some anger about that night

"He was going to hit you" Joel replied "I couldn't stand by"

"He would never hit me" she shook her head, tears threatened in her eyes but she concealed them

"Well he was about to. Maybe it's because I actually care"

"For me?" She asked "oh come on Joel; how many other girls do you 'care' for" she placed speech marks around care. "I've heard your a one night stand type of guy and if you expect anything in return you're barking up the wrong tree"

"So you believe everything you've been told?" Joel replied

"I believe the facts; Joel. The facts like I knew that my patient was about to bleed out and die if you had done that surgery on his leg. The fact that you've slept with Maggie and cheated on her, not to mention Alex"

It hurt her to find out that Joel was a player. She actually liked him and she had never felt like that ever since her and Harry had gotten together. But that had fizzled out.

"Charlotte I'm sorry" he uraged "and if you've been told everything about me, I never ever say sorry"

Charlotte nodded, quickly wiping a year from the corner of her eye with her sleeve.

"Maybe it's best if we just keep out each others way" she said quietly before turning and leaving.

She wasn't saying that because of the arguement; she was saying it because she didn't want her feelings to get in the way. Joel was very good looking and she knew deep down, he had a heart and that heart actually cared for her; she thought.

Joel kicked himself for being so stupid and so selfish. Not only has he lost a patient but he also lost Charlotte. He hadn't known her for a long time but she was actually genuine, she was kind and sweet. Undeserving of the relationship she had with Harry, she deserved so much better. He thought he could help her out of it and give her something he thought she deserved.

But that obviously was ruined. Maybe he would have gotten in a relationship with her but just ruined it like he ruined his and Alex's.

He missed Alex; he slept around a lot more than he used to was to forget Alex. And Charlotte wouldn't have been a rebound, of course not she would have been the complete opposite.

But he wrecked that before it could even start.

Joel kicked himself again. Although he knew as time passed, Charlotte could learn to forgive him.

He just had to wait for his chance.

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