Chapter 14

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The hospital was quiet.

Charlie walked out of one of the rooms to see Charlotte stand in the middle of the small crowd. She looked at him as if she were silently pleading.

Charlie glanced at the clock.


"They're going to kill me, Charlie" she said, her voice trembling

"I can't do anything" he looked to see if anyone could see him before he replied to her. "Just go" he shoed her, in fear that someone would catch him

"I'm not a dog" she said offended "and if you're not going to help me you're nothing more than a- a hypocritical ass" she spat before turning around.

Meanwhile, in the coma ward, Melinda, Maggie, Gavin and a couple of nurses stood with a grave look on their face.

"I didn't realise this place would be as full as it was" Maggie whispered to Gavin, she was obviously choking back some tears

"She had a lot of friends" he said, staring forward into the room. "I can't believe this is really happening"

"When Joel is in Africa as well" Maggie added making the situation seem a whole lot more depressed.

"I didn't know I had an audience"  Jayne walked in as if nothing were about to happen, she looked at everyone's deathly stared and then back to her paperwork

"Just give her another week" Maggie pleaded

"I've given her enough time" she snapped "don't you think it's hard enough to lose a patient, she is not going to wake up..." She tried to fight her corner

"She will" Gavin piped up

"You know, I'm not Going to argue with all of you, you can either stay or go, either way I'm turning her ventilator off" she shouted to all of them. Storming into the room.

The group followed her. "God where's Joel when you need him" Maggie muttered to herself.

"I'm not going to drag this out, I'll pull the plug and leave, you can all say your goodbyes" she said. Most of them looked at each other. How could she be so heartless?

Jayne walked up to the wall and bent down.

"Please" Gavin cried out as her hand wrapped around the plug "don't do this"

"It's for the best" she pressed her lips together into a sympathetic smile before tugging at the wire and dropping it on the floor.

"No" he shook his head

"What the hell is going on?" Joel appeared at the door with a messenger bag slung across his shoulder. He dropped it immediately and stormed past the small crowd.

Charlotte was sat on the chair with her head in her hands. It was only a matter of time for her. She immediately perked up as Joel's voice hit her ears. "Joel?" She asked with hope as he could do anything about it.

"Are you even a real doctor?" He spat as he walked up to Jayne

"I am a real doctor, and I'm making logical decisions. She was near unresponsive Joel and I'm not going to let feeling a cloud my judgement because I don't know her" she fought "I've stamped her DNR, this is it Joel, you're a doctor, deal with it"

Joel was completely speechless, there was literally nothing he could do now.

The beeping cut off the silence as Charlotte went into cardiac arrest. A couple from the group jolted as if to jump into action.

"No" Jayne cut off "she's DNR"

"I don't care" Joel said, jumping on the bed and giving her CPR.

"Come on Joel" charlotte coaxed on the sidelines

Joel pressed down over and over again. How many more times would he have to do this until she was awake?

"Joel stop it" Jayne shouted "she's not going to survive"

Joel didn't reply. He was too busy in focussing on Charlotte and saving her. And that's when Maggie jumped in.

"If she comes out of this, promise you'll give her another chance" Maggie bargained.

Jayne stopped and looked at her oddly "in the off chance that she does survive, I'll give her another week" she said, knowing she was outmatched.

"More pressure in getting this right then" Joel smiled as he pressed down on her chest with more pressure.

The continuous beeps had come to a half and now had been replaced with steady can calmer beeps. Signalling that she was alive.

Joel collapsed and rested his head on her chest. He was out of breath, and feeling sick with relief. He had bargained another week for her and had won.

But she was still under.


"I'm not sure if I want to go" Joel said to Maggie. The commotion had died down and everyone had disbanded.

"You need to go, it's the opportunity of a lifetime" Maggie replied

"That's what everyone keeps saying" he scoffed "I'm not too sure if I want it if I don't have Charlotte"

"Joel. You're going to miss your flight" she lifted his bag and forced it into his hand "your cab is outside, go"

Joel opened his mouth but was immediately interrupted by Maggie

"Go" she demanded. Physically turning him around and pushing him through the door. "It's a week trial, you'll be back in no time"

Joel turned around and took a breath "thank you" he mouthed as he walked away.


Gavin sat by the side of Charlotte. "You're a fighter" he said

"I know" she smiled next to him "you should know that since I kicked your ass in kindergarten" mimicking a punch to his arm

"Now you just have to wake up" he smiled "in the next week would be amazing"

"I'm working on it" she stretched her arms out as she yawned

"Wait" he said as he felt something twitch within his hands "you're moving"

"I'm moving?!" She exclaimed "look at my hand, I'm moving"

"Charlotte, can you hear me" he said closer to her ear as if to coax her out "Charlotte it's me"

Her eyes flew open as she stared up at the ceiling. She squinted as she adjusted to the light and then her eyes darted around the room.

"Gavin?" She asked

"You're awake" he smiled and stood up "oh my god you're awake!"

"I'm awake!" She said and now she was wondering why she could remember everything when she was in a coma. She could remember Charlie, Jayne and especially Joel. "Where's Joel?"


Joel rushed to the automatic doors, he would soon miss his flight if he stops to think even for a moment.

But as he stood with the doors open in front of him. He thought.

He thought about how he would need to stay and fight her cause, if she doesn't wake up within the next week, he'll need to be there to help her. Like he did today.

Joel turned around in a haste and stormed to the elevator.

He got out on the floor he needed and walked through the doors of Charlotte's room to see her sat up, eyes open, and looking at him.

"Hey" she smiled shyly


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