Chapter 7

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The bar was loud, too loud and the people there were absolute morons or they were off their faces.

Charlotte sat at the bar, it was around 9 now and she was so bored. She had a small black dress on that hugged her tightly as well as some high velvet wedges with a small strap wrapping around her ankles.

She swissled on her small bar stood with her legs crossed. Her elbow rested on the side of the bar and her head leant on her hand.

"You look immaculately bored" Joel sat on the free stool beside her.

"You're right" she turned around, startled at the sight of him in is casual clothes. A shirt and some jeans, it made him look like a completely different person "I am both immaculate and bored"

Joel chuckled "don't forget modest"

"You can't forget that" she winked at him. She realised how easy it was, how easy they could have a relationship, they both got on well. "Where's Shelly this evening?" She said realising that he had a girlfriend

"Sydney?" Joel corrected "she's running late"

Charlotte sipped the end of her drink and placed it back on the table "I suppose it takes a while to make yourself as pretty as what everyone makes her out to be"

Charlotte raised her hand and ordered another drink.

"Well you're here on time and I'm sure you look 10 x better than her" Joel commented

Charlotte felt the blood rush to her cheeks and tried to conceal the fact that she was blushing. But also, she was confused, why was he hitting on her if he had a girlfriend?

"Excuse me" a man came up to Charlotte with a glint in his eye

"Hi" she smiled as she looked at him. He had blonde shaggy hair and his eyes were an unbearable shade of crystal blue.

"I'm Clint" he said

"Charlotte" she smiled back, feeling Joel's eyes bore into the back of her head, and she felt smug. He made her feel awful about herself and now it is her turn.

"Excuse me mate" Joel intervened "but I'm just in the middle of a conversation with her"

Charlotte looked at Joel and their eyes met. Did she see some jealousy?

"Well" Clint said to Charlotte "when you're finished with this guy, I'm just over here"

"Okay" Charlotte smiled and turned back to Joel "that wasn't very nice" she said, taking a drink and was about to take a sip when Joel stopped her

"I wouldn't drink that if I were you" he said, grabbing her hand and leading it down to the bar

"Why?" Charlotte raised her eyebrow in confusion

"Clint over there slipped something in your drink, I saw it fizz" Joel slid the glass away from her and gave it to the bartender

"Wow" she said, shocked "thanks"

"You need to be careful around here" Joel said.

Charlotte nodded. Split, whether she wanted to just grab him and tell him to leave his girlfriend or hit him for leading her on like that.

But she had a boyfriend, she had Harry so why was she so annoyed with him. He was only abiding by her wishes.

"Let's dance" she said "before your girlfriend gets here and thinks there's something going on"

Her proposal actually surprised him "I don't really dance" Joel shook his head, smiling. He only needed a small push and he would go with her.

"Come on" Charlotte urged "its a party and you'll probably be dancing with Selma anyway"

Joel had now given up with correcting Sydney's name. "Okay" he chuckled and got up.

Charlotte lead him to the middle of the dance floor, very strategically. She held onto him so all girls knew that he was taken, not exactly by her but they knew that he was hers. She also placed herself near the door so if Sydney happened to walk in and see them dancing, then Charlotte couldn't really help what she thought.

"I didn't know you could dance" Joel shouted over the music

"I can't" she shouted back, smiling and almost being blinded by the flashing lights.

Her arms draped over his shoulders and met around the back of his head.

After much contemplation, Joel finally put his hands on her waist as he swayed with the music. He flinched when she moved as he thought she would slap him or detach herself from him, which didn't happen. It actually felt natural, nothing forced.

Joel looked at the clock near the bar. 10.30 Sydney should be here around now, he was too busy dancing and having fun with charlotte he forgot to cancel her.

"Joel" she smiled, chewing a piece of gum in her mouth. Sydney was wearing a very short strappy red dress that didn't leave much to the imagination, and very high heels that she could barely walk in.

Charlotte almost laughed at the sight, she let go of Joel as he let go of her to walk to his 'girlfriend'

Charlotte spat nails. If looks could kill then Sydney would be dead on the spot, and Joel wouldn't be too far behind. If he actually liked her, he would explain to Sydney that they weren't going to work out.

Charlotte turned and walked back to the bar, alone this time. Watching how Joel clung onto Sydney like a starved puppy.

Charlotte went to order another drink but decided against it. "I might as well go home" she said to herself. Mission failure.

Joel wasn't too comfortable around Sydney as he was with Charlotte. His eyes darted around the room to find her, feeling awful that he had to leave her.

His heart sunk a little when he finally had come to the realisation that Charlotte watched them for a little while and then left.

The only reason he was there was to talk to Charlotte and spend time with her but... As always, he had to go and ruin it.

He walked outside to see if he could catch up with her.

Charlotte stood on the phone, one finger in her ear to hear.

"If we are going to make this work we both have to give a little" she said, obviously talking to Harry.

"No, that means you can't see your other girl again, and you can't control me like you are"

"Yes, okay" she sighed in relief

"Yes, I have a day off tomorrow, we could go then" Joel watched as Charlotte smiled at the floor "I'll see you later, love you"

Well. That was a bust for Joel, he's basically driven Charlotte back to Harry.

He wanted to go and kiss her, take a risk. But he held back, instead he watched her walk to the side of the road and get a taxi.

He would need a miracle now if he wanted to get a chance with her.

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