Chapter 10

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~3 Months Later~

"Gosh, how much sleep have you got?" Zach joined in as Joel walked through the corridor.

"To be honest, not much" Joel shook his head and shrugged. He had been spending most of the time in the coma ward next to Charlotte.

"Why don't you go home?" He said

"I cant, between the workload and Charlotte, I don't have time to go home"Joel explained

"I'm sure if you just get a good nights sleep, charlotte will still be there in the morning" Zach took the folders of Joel "and I can finish these"

Joel tried to grab the folders back but Zach held them away.

"I can't leave Charlotte; it's been three months and I'm not sure if I really trust the new doctor, she literally has no family, and because I'm nothing to her, I don't have a say in it. She could decide against life support at any minute" Joel worried "I don't have a case"

Dr. Foster, she was quite high up in the business end of the hospital, very close to the board and very scary, even to someone like Joel. He didn't trust her, but he had to live with her, she was going to be working around the coma ward a lot.

Zach slammed the work load on the desk at reception "stop being so paranoid and get some sleep, those hands aren't useful if they're shaking due to an overdose of caffeine"

"I have surgery..." Joel fought

"Charlie can take the surgery" Zach explained

Joel didn't have anymore arguments left in him, he drank the remainder of his coffee in his now soggy to go cup and glared at Zach. "ICU?"

"Taken care of"

"At least let me say bye to Charlotte" Joel bargained

Zach looked around the ICU having a good think. Who was he to refuse visitation? "Fine" he huffed, glancing down at his watch to time him "but I want to see you, out of them doors, in 15 minutes"

"Thank you" Joel exhaled, smiling and then turning around to walk up to the ward.

He didn't like the idea of going home, he didn't like the idea of being away from Charlotte, though nothing has really happened between them. He still felt a sense of responsibility for her, as if she were only his.

On the way, he passed Alex, he gave her a smile and a small wave, which she returned, but with more emphasis, as if to wave him over.

Her face was a picture when Joel kept on walking past her. "Joel" she raised her hand and now was following him "Joel can we talk?"

Joel slowly came to a halt and turned around to face her "I don't have much time, Zach is literally timing me" he joked

Alex checked around her, for anyone. Before taking Joel's sleeve and dragging him into an empty room.

"What's wrong?" Joel's eyebrows knitted at Alex's unreadable expression. Though he had feeling a for Charlotte, he still would worry about Alex, he would always care about Alex.

"Joel" she tried to push words out, her eyebrows raised and moulded into a concerned expression, mixing with her heavy breathing, Joel worried more.

"Alex" his hand found the top of her arm for comfort.

'Spit it out' Charlotte stood in the doorway, watching Joel fawn over Alex and Alex almost drooling over Joel.

"I broke up with Charlie" Alex finally pushed out

"What?" Joel's eyes widened in shock

"What?" Charlottes hand left the door frame and stepped forward, as if to act as a barrier between Alex and Joel.

"I- I can't explain it" she stuttered, "I've finally realised that I wasn't comfortable with him"

"I'm glad that you're doing what makes you happy" Joel agreed, giving her a sympathetic smile

"But, I knew I was happy with you, Joel, I want that back" Alex grabbed Joel's hand

"Joel, no" Charlotte shook her head, she knew what Alex meant to Joel. But she hoped that he wouldn't cave.

Joel released Alex's hand and turned to the side, pushing a short breath from his nose. "Alex, remember that time when Charlie was in a Coma? How awful it was on you when I told you that I still had feelings for you? Well, I now realise that was completely out of order"

"Yeah, too fucking right" Charlotte nodded, almost hitting Alex

"Joel I'm sorry, but I just wanted you to know" Alex shook her head, seemingly confused at how offended Joel was

"Alex, you know how I felt about you, and I would have done anything for you; but I've changed now, I just want a life with someone" Joel explained "and before you say it, I think Charlotte could be that one"

"Joel, she doesn't even know how you feel; you've not even kissed her" Alex argued

"I'm not listening to this" Joel laughed in pity of her.

Charlotte looked happy, so happy. But a little angry, she wanted Alex away from Joel. He is, after all weak willed.


"Get your slutty ass girlfriend away from my boyfrien- almost boyfriend" she corrected as she stormed up to Charlie in the empty staff room.

"Code Red, angry ghost alert" Charlie exclaimed as he heard her

"I'm not a ghost" she huffed, sitting down opposite him

"What's got your panties in a twist" Charlie read the newspaper to ignore the blind rage in her eyes

"Tell Alex, to stay away from Joel or she will face the wrath of whatever I can do when I'm in this state" she hissed

"We broke up, Charlotte" Charlie exclaimed, earning a small apologetic look "I can't control her anymore"

"She broke up with you, for Joel" Charlotte re capped "doesn't that make you mad, because it makes me mad"

"It makes me infuriated" Charlie said calmly

"Then show some flaming emotions man, it seems like you're fine with your ex hitting on my future boyfriend" she stood up "let it out, for me and you, because I can't"

"Charlotte..." Charlie tried to stop her

"You know, I would break this kettle if I could" she shouted, trying to grasp the kettle "but I can't"

Charlie watched as Charlotte ran around the room, pretend kicking things and trying to throw other things but obviously failing just to try and let off some steam.

Eventually she collapsed on the chair with her head in her hands. "Charlie why aren't I waking up?"

"I have no idea" Charlie put down the paper and looked at her

"Am I like brain dead?" She asked "there's no development and I'm pretty sure that the new Doctor is looking into how to kill me"

"She won't" Charlie shook his head "unless you have multiple episodes of cardiac arrests or pneumonia, I'm sure she'll keep you there"

Charlotte groaned "I'm probably going to get pneumonia"

"No you're not" Charlie moaned

"Yes I am" she disagreed "this is how I die, I'm a vegetable"

"Hypochondriac comes to mind" Charlie smiled to himself

"I'm in a freaking coma, I apologise if this isn't my calmest of moments" she stood up "I can't even stop Alex from confessing her dying love for Joel, it's only going to be a matter of time before everyone gives up on me and he falls into her arms"

"If it makes you feel any better, I'll get Shahir to run some more tests on you" Charlie gave in


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