Chapter 17

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"Look who's back on their feet" Gavin joined Charlotte's side as she walked down the corridor. It was her first day back, well it was a night shift but she was back, finally.

"Yes, all back to normal" Charlotte bounced to show how good she was back on her feet "I had enough of feeling like the little mermaid when she just got her feet"

"But look at you now" he pointed at her legs and then her head "you're still smart though, aren't you?" he winked

"Shouldn't you be going home?" Charlotte asked "it's getting late"

"Yeah I should" he glanced at his watch "you're walking this way anyway?"

"Yeah" she smiled

"Sooo... How's lover boy?" He asked to fill the silent space

"Joel?" She said sarcastically, "he's pretty good, he's really helped these past couple of months, I think it's getting pretty serious"

"Ive never really heard of Joel in an actually long term relationship. I can't believe you two have lasted so long without him screwing it up"

Charlotte shot Gavin a glance

"That was a stupid thing to say, I'm sorry" he shook his head and cursed himself for being so stupid

"It's alright" she shrugged "anyway I have to go" she looked over at the ER waiting room "I'm guessing they're in a gang of some kind" she motioned to the group of teenage boys with their trousers almost around their ankles

"Good luck" Gavin tapped her on the back and waved goodbye before disappearing through the double doors

Charlotte quickly focussed her gaze on to Joel who stood at the reception desk, speaking to Maggie and Jackson together.

"Hey sweetie" she smiled as she approached them, quickly jumping onto her tiptoes to kiss him on the cheek quickly

"Hey" he smiled, putting her arm around her waist and pulling her closer "was wondering where you had gotten off to"

Joel had made it his job to observe Charlotte and make sure she was fit to care for the patients again, so they were spending most of the night together. Joel finished a couple of hours early but that was it.

"I was talking to Gavin" she smiled and quickly nodded over to the men in the waiting room "looks like it's going to be a tough night"

"I don't want you anywhere near them guys alright?" Joel demanded "they look dangerous and you... Well you are kind of a bad luck magnet"

"Thanks" she scoffed. "But I won't, unless I really need to"

"Thank you" Joel smiled, his hand stroked her arm as he admired her.

"Doctor!" One of the gang members that had waited in the hospital room with the victim ran out and called to Charlotte and Joel, who instantly started to run. The sound of the beeps coming from the room indicated that the man was losing his life and he didn't have long. They didn't have long to save him.

Charlotte immediately straddled the man as she started to give CPR, pressing down on his chest multiple times, feeling his ribs crack from beneath him. "Just my luck" she muttered to herself thinking nobody could hear but Joel let to a small chuckle 

"it is just your luck" he replied "clear"

Charlotte jumped off the man and allowed Joel a path to place the defib on his chest. "nothing" Charlotte shouted "try again"

The beeping slowed into consistency. Charlotte's breath had deepened so she took a moment to get it back to normal. "We need to get him into surgery" she said

"he's unstable" joel protested

Charlotte waved a nurse over "prep him" and then she turned back to Joel "It hasn't stopped you before?" she smiled playfully "he is going to die either way so lets at least try to save his life"


In surgery Charlotte had managed to open him up and Joel stood opposite her watching her every movement, "You're making me very nervous Joel" she said jokingly "i'm joking these hands are really steady"

after stitching and sewing, she managed to stop the internal bleeding Charlotte sat back,pretty happy with herself. "done" she said

"not quite" a doctor who was monitoring his b.p piped up "B.P's through the roof"

"what?" she asked, almost offended "the bleeding has stopped, it can't be"

The beeping started again. 

And CPR started again, she tried as hard as she could, She wasn't going to lost her first patient on her first day.

But the beeping went flat and signalled that he had died.

"time of death 23.40" she said defeated before storming out of the o.r

"Charlie" Joel called after her 

"There was something we must have missed, something major" she said "I'll re look at the blood work and any other information we have on him"

"I'll tell the ... those guys" Joel volunteered "I don't want you anywhere near them"

"i dont trust them that much" Charlotte said "I don't want you anywhere near them"

"I'll be 5 minutes"

Charlotte watched as Joel went through the glass doors. She couldn't hear anything but Joel looked very apologetic as the group stood up, looking rather angry.

They looked at each other and began speaking again. Charlotte cursed herself for not learning how to lip read, so she opened the door to storm up on them herself.

But as she stepped through the door, One of the tall men dressed in a nike sweat suit punched Joel straight in the nose.

"Joel" she shouted "someone get security"

Charlotte ran up to Joel and knelt down. "I told you i didn't want you anywhere near them" she said, Joel was in a daze, he was awake, he was okay. But Charlotte wanted to get him checked on.

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