Dirty Old Town

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Dirty Old Town

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Dirty Old Town

DRIVING PAST THE green sign that read Okmulgee County, a sense of home filled her. Other than a few people still walking around, smoking, or eating, the town was quiet. Connie sighed, she hadn't been back here in a while, not since last year. 

She turned the road past the gas station, driving down the dark street. Coming to a stop pulling into the driveway in front of a small two-story home, she sighed shutting the car off. The gravel crunched under her shoes as she walked over to the shed. 

Remembering the spare key was hidden under the gnome by the shed door. Connie lifted the small statue, grabbing the metal, as she turned around she heard a cocking of a shotgun. She lifted her hands as a flashlight shun on her. 

"Tribal land shit ass." A male voice sneered, and Connie's lips formed a thin line. "Since when do you own a gun?" She asked him, and he scoffed. 

"Open carry state, and you dont have jurisdiction here?" He spoke up, she rolled her eyes. 

"Do I seriously look like a cop to you?" Connie asked him unamused.  "You making fun of me?" The man with the gun asked. 

"You're seriously going to shoot your sister-in-law Bucky?" She asked him, he lowered his gun looking at her, his eyes squinted. "Connie?" He asked, she waved. 

"Oh shit! Hey babe it's okay!" He shouted, out stepped a woman dressed in sleep shorts, a t-shirt with a feather on it, and a black sleep robe.  She smiled in shock seeing her, she jogged over to her little sister. 

"What are you doing here?" Claudia asked her, pulling back and holding her sister's cheeks. Connie sniffled, covered in dirt on her shirt and jeans, sneakers ripped at the edges and her hair messier than usual. 

"Rough night." She answers in a whisper. She nodded, "You look like shit." Claudia remarked with a laugh. 

"Sorry I would have texted but my phone died, and the tornado ate my charger." Connie jokes, and her sister rolls her eyes. "Why does that not surprise me, come on we have a spare room." She says. 

"Sorry, I almost shot you." Bucky apologized to her, and she shrugged. "You with a gun is more scary than the storms." She joked. 

Her sister had moved out of Muskogee years ago, marrying Bucky. The owner of the local grocery store in town had two kids with him.  As for their parents, their father moved away with another woman in California, and their mother worked in Tulsa. After their divorce, they hated each other's guts, stayed together till their daughters grew up, and now they rarely speak with their children. 

"I'm sorry that I didn't blow up the mattress." Claudia apologized brushing off the pulled-out couch, she shook her head. "This is fine." She reassured. 

"I saw what happened on the news I didn't know you were there," Claudia tells her, and she shakes her head. "I'm okay little shaken, I'm tired." She says. 

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