Blown Away

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Blown Away

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Blown Away

DIRT BLEW AGAINST the window of the truck, she looked out seeing the dark skies. She looked down at the iPad, watching the multiple colors that represented the storm. Connie leaned forward to Kate. 

"Look the ground speed is at twenty." She informs her, pointing at the map. "Intercept is northeast, can you find a road?" Connie asked her, she nodded taking it from her. 

"Look's like we have to go down asylum road," Kate tells them. Tyler nodded looking at the rearview mirror.  She leaned forward taking the walkie-talkie from the dash. 

"Aiden, you hear me?" She spoke into the black mic, static played over it. "Loud and clear." He answered she smirked. 

"Dont drop THOR till I tell you alright." She asks him. "Remember we need the rain." She tells him. 

"Roger that, I'll tell you when he is on the ramp, over," Aiden says as she sets it down on the seat next to her.  Tyler swerved to miss the caviar of white cars pulling out in front of them. She rolled her eyes seeing the logo. 

"Alright let's not get distracted, let's get these babies in the air," Tyler spoke into his mic. She rolled the window down, letting her hand be out enough for her to feel what she needed. The hair on her hands blows in the same direction as their radar says. 

"Rain is coming in we are doing good," Connie announced. As she said the windshield began to be pelted, covering them completely. 

"Okay heavier than expected." She says. Kate furrowed her brows, the iPad in her hands going blank with a crack of thunder. Connie's heart pounded watching the wind outside, getting a heavy sense of Dejevu. 

"Tyler, doppler just went dark," Kate tells him. He shook his head. "it's a dead zone." He proclaimed. Connie grabbed the walkie. 

"Aiden, hold back on dropping him, we can't see a thing." She tells him, looking all around her. "Lilly, are you getting this?" Kate asked. 

"It's getting completely rain wrapped I can't see a thing," Lilly tells them. Her heart pounded, the sudden need to chew on a sucker filling her taste buds. 

"Hey Con, can you hear me?" Ryan's voice spoke up, she clicked the side of the walkie-talkie. "Yeah go ahead." She says. 

"I was looking at the map, I don't think we should be on this road." He tells them. She knitted her brow confused. "What do you mean? What do you see?" She asked. 

"Hey, we lost visual." Boone's voice on the radio spoke up. She leaned forward sitting in the middle backseat, watching the stop sign outside rattle and shake as they passed by. Her heart fell

"Ryan come back?" She asked, static on the other end.  She clicked again. "Ryan, what did you see? Hello?" Connie pleaded with him. 

"Shit!" She exclaimed slamming it down. Tyler hit the break, 

𝘽𝙤𝙧𝙣 𝙩𝙤 𝘽𝙚 𝙒𝙞𝙡𝙙 [ T.Owens ]Where stories live. Discover now