Chapter 19 : What Are Slaves?

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Zephyr's POV

As I tended to the werewolf girl's wounds, the succubus told me a little bit about herself. She said that she was born into slavery, her mother was a slave of some rich human. The owner didn't want the child so he sold her child to someone else by force, she flip flopped from owner to owner as they all wanted her for other purposes...

She said quietly,"The first time I was forced to fully do it, I was a kid."

I went and grabbed her hand softly and hugged her, she took my hug willingly while shedding a tear. She said,"Anyway, the reason why my last owner sold me was because they were facing bankruptcy, if not for that I probably would have been forced to stay with them forever... People only want me for sexual desires nothing more, as long as I play nice they'll treat me like a pet. For the most part, I get a decent meal, a bed, a safe place to live, but..."

She looked as us with a strained expression, she said with her voice breaking,"That's not the same for the two of you right?"

Catiala stroked the sleeping wolf slightly as she said,"I know what they do to you guys... I've seen the dungeons of these monsters, people buy you for the sole purpose of inflicting pain... I try and go the basement when I can because no one else would try and help. I've seen all sorts of tortures, injures.. All these scars..."

"I'm sorry this all has happened to you,"She said genuinely, I looked at her with concern.

She touched the scar of the little wolf's girl neck,"I can't imagine what you all have been through, compared to me..." She smiled with crying a little,"I don't have the right to complain."

I frowned as I took her hand and said,"Of course you can. Some parts... I think you have it worse then me to be honest. Being forced to smile went faced with such disgusting conditions, hell being forced to stay nice with your captors or else your risk being tortured. That requires someone with a strong will."

I touched her cheek softly and said with a small smile,"You are strong. One of the strongest people I've met and that's saying a lot. Nothing that happened is your fault. You did the best you could. The only way to move on is to accept yourself. Trust me I know."

She paused for a moment as she started crying even more now, it was my turn to give her a comfort hug and she accepted it gracefully.

Nilaya finally began waking up, she sat pp rubbing her eyes as she yawned,"Huh? What happened?"

I tried to explained the situation the best I could but I couldn't even finished saying it before she exploded with anger,"Those assholes!! I swear I'm reporting them to the Shadows, scumbags all of them!!"

She softened her gaze as she looked at Catiala,"I'm really sorry for what happened to you. It was so messed up how that happened. I promised you when we get out I'll do my best to help you in anyway I can."

She then booped the nose of the sleeping werewolf girl,"And you too sweetie."

 Catiala looked confused and scared at the same time, she said with her voice shaking,"W-wait.."

Nilaya looked at me and smiled with determination,"Okay so you got a plan Gale?"

I heard a small whispher,"Guys."

I rolled my eyes annoyed,"I'm Zephyr now. I thought you were good at this already, whatever. Yes I do, but it relies on my powers. They just injected me with more wolfsbane, thankfully I've built up quite a tolorance to it so my powers should be back with in the hour so-"

Catiala closed her eyes as she shouted,"Guys!!!"

We both looked at her with confusion, she moved back as if she was afraid we were going to hit her. She looked off to her side as she said quietly,"We can't do this. You'll only end up more hurt. I've seen people try this again and again. I know it won't work. No one has ever escaped. Please stop-"

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