Chapter 6 : Free

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Kane's POV

I didn't know what happened, more like it happened too fast. I was fight a rouge with my chains, I was too busy to look at Gale until I heard a piercing noise. I turned around fearing the worst, but there was only a man dropping a sword, sticking out his heart was a small hand. 

The hand was half phased in and half outside, it quickly pulled out and the man collapsed in the ground leaving behind him, a girl holding a bloody heart looking at it intently. She looked like Gale but I knew something was different, the way she moved, the way she held herself, she   glared into my soul. I almost got into a fighting stance, prepared to fight but as soon as she appeared she disappeared, returning to normal Gale. Her eyes softened and her body began to shake. She realized she was holding a heart. She gasped and shrieked as she dropping to the floor and throwing the heart away.

I was confused but I did not hesitate to rush over to Gale's side. She then collapse on the ground, she curled up into a ball, I tried to comfort her but she couldn't stop shaking. She was staring at the ground muttering quietly to herself. I felt through our bond how afraid and horrified she felt, because of this and before too. I looked away in shame, I did this to my mate, no matter the reason I caused this.

I then saw Jay and Joy walked up to us, Jay was holding a rusty gold sword, Joy was just  smiling. Of course they both were naked. I noticed his pack circled around us, ready to attack if needed. I materialized some more chains as I got up, I will do anything to protect Gale. But Jay eye's glazed over and they all lowered their weapons. Joy and Jay both realized what happened to Gale and Joy immediately rushed over worried. 

Joy knelt down saying,"Oh no!! What happened!?! Are you okay??" 

Gale was still clutched over staring at her blood covered hand. Jay crossed his arms and frowned , he said,"Why is she this hung up on the kill? Yes it was a bit gruesome, but it was necessary."

I almost glared at him but I then took a deep breath to calm myself, I said,"Alpha, I don't think she's ever killed before. And as you can see her mental state... It's not the best right now."

I took her and easily put her on my back, she was still shivering but she calmed down a little by touching me. At least that works. I said,"We'll be going now, sorry to inconvenience you all."

I was about to walk away when Joy stepped in front of me, she held up her hand and said,"Wait."

She looked over at Gale and said,"No way we are letting someone that hurt travel. You both need to stay in our pack and rest. Heal. Gale here clearly needs it."

Jay protested, he said,"Darling-"

She glared back at him and he sighed in annoyance. He said,"Yes, yes, I'll take you both to the infirmary."

Jay then said loudly to his pack,"These two are stay at our pack for the moment!! Return to your pack duties!!"

They all grumbled and glared at us as they walked away. Jay said,"Follow me Kane."

A Few Minutes Later

She was laying down on the bed infirmary sleeping softly, Joy gave her a mild sedative to calm her nerves and left to go do something. I sat on a chair while grabbing her hand, never leaving her side. I looked at her as she slept, I washed out the blood from her hands so now they laid dainty on her side, I looked at the scars that peaked out from her heavily covered baggy clothing. I wondered how she felt when she got each of them, if she'd ever wanted to kill the one responsible for them. I knew Gale was the one who killed the man but she acted different. I couldn't really describe it but I just knew. Me and my wolf still knows it's her but something was different.

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