Awkward ride

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  As Adam steps onto the bus, he looks around at the chaos and sheer variety he's not used to even in his old school. He sees Elves, Dwarves, and even a few Orcs, all of which he has seen, but to a more limited degree, never this many. The bus is loud and crowded as he walks towards the back trying to find a seat, but they are all taken, and the only spot that is available is the empty seat next to that Kitsune. So he begrudgingly walked towards the back, but as he got closer, he noticed more about her—her different colored eyes and her ears poking up, almost like a beacon amongst the other students, maybe more akin to a lighthouse. Each step he takes reveals more details, from her irritated expression to her clothes, which are a mix of goth and lightly revealing her chest and collarbone. For a moment, everything seems to disappear as his gaze focuses on the Kitsune, a race he had never seen in person beyond a few news articles and things he read. Then, her eyes lock onto his, filled with a stern expression with judgment or maybe hate; he's not quite sure yet.

  As Adam finally sits down in the bus seat across from the Kitsune, he glances at her, taking in the details until she finally speaks to him in a stern and hostile tone, "What the fuck are you looking at? ". Adam looks back up and locks eyes with her, trying to be polite since he knows he was staring quite a bit "I've never seen a Kitsune before; I've seen pictures and news articles but never one in person" he responded, trying to be honest and not provoke her or make it seem like he was a pervert. Her ear flicks slightly as she locked eyes with him "And what are you thinking now that you've fucking met one? " She asked still keeping a somewhat hostile tone but slightly less so. He thinks for a moment "I'm not quite sure yet, I'll admit. I mean, you're unique and neat, I suppose". She looked at him, still keeping her judgmental gaze but her ear was no longer twitching, making Adam unsure of what she's thinking or if she's taking offense.

 She lets out a sigh and leans back into his seat looking at her iPod "just don't get any bright fucking ideas. I WILL fuck you up," she said with a stern look. Adam nodded but noticed something faint and barely visible. "I won't, we may be in high school, but that's no excuse to be a dipshit." She looks at him for a few more moments and gives a "HUMPH" and slightly shows her fangs. The bus screeches to a halt surprising Adam as he slams into the back of the seat in front of him. Suddenly, two pairs of purple cat ears poke above the seat as the two heads they are attached to look at him "Watch it, Hick!" the girl says before the guy chuckles, "Yeah, we know you country people have a knack for fucking farm animals," he adds. Adam squints and looks at them "Shut the fuck up, we all know the only thing Nekos are good for is mediocre porn and maid cafes" he says with a grin standing up. The both of them scoff simultaneously, giving him a death glare. "We also know humans are on the low end of the totem pole, so I suggest you watch it fuck face".

 Before long, Adam stands up and sets his backpack in his seat, mentally preparing himself for a throw down. "Oh really? " he responds as he leans in almost inviting them to do something, "At least my species isn't mostly made up of faggots and Dollar Tree twinks." The guys face scowls with anger as he leans in more "What did you say bitch boy? " he asks making it well known Adam hit a soft spot, and knowing that He chuckled to himself, "What's wrong? Didn't get to go on cornhole patrol last night? " Adam asks bucking up more. The Nekos face contorts more into rage. Adam notices his claws slightly extending out "If you use those I swear to Christ I WILL beat you so badly It'll put you back into default settings". And as Adam said that the Neko swings at him hitting the side of his head and knocking Adam back a foot or two. Adam's taken aback from it but mainly unbothered besides his headache.

  Adam lunges forwards, grabbing his collar with an iron grip. "You're mine, nigga." He says with a smirk before slamming his right fist into the Nekos right temple. The Neko's head flings to the side violently, and the satisfying hit made Adam more excited until he felt a hit from the girl Neko barely making him move. Adams raises a his fist to punch her but stops and then to a open palm. He doesn't swing yet as he chuckles to himself "Oh wait this is the twenty-first century we have... equality now". Adams hand goes back into a fist and slams it into her nose. Immediately, Adam is punched again by the male Neko "Leave my sister alone, fuckface!"

He demands before Adam punches him in the jaw this time but still holding onto his collar "shut your bitch ass up before I hit you so hard you'll go back to default settings". He stops and he hears slight snickering from the seat next to him. His eyebrow raises as he sees the kitsune girl slightly covering her mouth, as if she's holding in a laugh.

Adam shrugs and proceeds to hit the Neko in his grip several more times until he saw a woman with short hair and a officers uniform step onto the bus. He looks at her and sees her irritated gaze speaking what he could only assume was What the fuck is it this time? Adam drops the Neko and with a thud he lands on his back "Oh hey miss officer... lovely morning huh?" Adam asks nervously doing his best to sound casual. The woman seemingly doesn't care and waves Adam over and without a word he sighs and heads over to her. 

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