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The sounds of the engine and light chatter filled the back of the truck. His eyes looked around as he felt mild disappointment as how everyone seemed scared or bothered one way or another. He rolls his eyes as he looks over his rifle one more time admiring his m16 and how well he has taken care of it despite the two or so dozen jobs and hours at the range he has used it for. He felt a tap on his shoulder, Adam turns to them, "What?" " he asks in an irked tone. The person was a Hispanic guy, maybe a year older than him as he responds with a slight accent, "Hey gringo, you've killed a man before?" Adam looked at him with a blank expression. "Yeah, you could say I put some fuckers in the dirt," The Hispanic nodded and put a betel nut in his mouth with a grin. "Good, good, we need some more killers. I'm tired of working with a bunch of coños." Adam gave a smug grin; he knew a little Spanish but mainly the slang or curses.

Adam looked at his gear, which wasn't much besides an AK-74U and a chest rig over his hoodie, reminding him of how he started off with a Mossberg and an insatiable hunger for money and to prove himself. Adam looks at the Hispanic "What's your name? " he gave a toothy grin, his teeth slightly stained by the tobacco. "My name's name's Juan, and you, gringo?" Adam looked around in the full truck. "I'm Adam, they have a lot of us for just a kill and burn mission hombre moreno" Adam grinned under his balaclava, wondering how the Hispanic would react to his slight jab. But instead of him getting mad he laughed and patted Adams back "It's a bit odd Adam, but it gives us the advantage; after all, we're going after the Mexican mob." Adam scoffed a bit "Light work, just pop them from a distance. Most mafia goons can't shoot worth a shit." Juan tilts his head a bit, his smile slightly fading "Seems like you have experience, hombre." Adam nods "Had a job about six months back, bunch of them were smuggling coke to Hope County and that went very, very bad for them." Adam leans against the truck bed wall as he continues, "They paid fifty bucks per head and we got to loot the bodies. I made quite the chunk of change that day," he says, fondly remembering stealing their watches and valuables from their corpses.

Adam's and Jose's talk was interrupted by the back window of the truck cab opening with Brian poking out "Listen up, we're almost there so make sure you're ready and prepped," he pointed at an Elf, "and make sure your safety is off this time, Alex." Adam snickered as he loaded a magazine into his rifle, pulling the charging handle with a soft ker-klunk. The truck began to slow down as Adam put a nicotine pouch in his upper lip before they kicked the truck bed door down and rushed out and spread out. Adam looked around, seeing the forest. Brian snapped his fingers. "Alright, we're a mile away from the compound. They have a large group of Mexican and Russian mafia there. They are making an arms deal as we speak; our job is to kill them, and we will steal anything that isn't nailed down, understood? " Everyone gave a firm nod as they began to spread out in the forest. Adam hunched down as he moved forwards with ease using what he was taught from previous hunting trips and gigs to move forwards and avoiding making as much noise as possible. Each step made Adam giddy with anticipation, like a hunter walking towards a big buck he's about to take a shot at. He looked around at the other hired guns as they moved at various paces, well spread out so he felt a bit more comfortable knowing a grenade or a Molotov won't kill a shit ton of them in one go.

As they approached the compound, music could be heard, along with cheers and a celebration. He looked at Brian and made a slit motion across his neck as he approached a petite sniper who was sleeping against a tree. He could see it was an Elf, her ears poking back and flicking around, the stench of weed on her jacket making her the perfect target for him and establishing to the others in Icarus that he was capable. He pulls out his trench knife slowly as he looms over her slouched body like a grim reaper. Brian and the others look at him like deer in headlights as Adam quickly grabbed her face digging his fingers in her cheeks. All he could hear is muffled begging: "Mmph, ple-Mmmph." She tried to plead through his gloved hand. He ignored her and tilted her head up exposing her neck more to him as he shoved the blade into her jugular. She tried to scream but his hands only gripped her face tighter as blood covered his hand and the blade like a fresh coat of paint, the warm and thick fluid poured out rapidly, and her body began to feel cold under his fingers. Her screams faded as she fell to the ground, her body twitching slightly "sorry bitch, It's just business as you could understand" his voice was emotionless and with a tinge of sick humor in it. He goes back to being hunched over as he moves forward towards the complex lurking in the shadows, knowing this would be an easy paycheck.

They took positions around the complex. Adam squinted and looked through the window seeing several strippers inside. He chuckled, "Looks like they are about to get a lot more than they bargained for." He looked around, seeing the guards getting lap dances and doing various things with the strippers, from lap dances to sucking on their breasts. This made Adam snicker even more as he slid the window up a bit. He looks at Brian and says, "Tell the boys to toss in frags, we can wipe them out in one go" Brian nods and smirks as he relays the message to the others. Adam reached into his grenade pouch removed the pin, and out a pineapple grenade and pulled held the safety clip. The other window opened across the room showing Jose with a grenade too. Adam let go of the safety clip making a CLING sound, "Catch this, bitches!" He yells out of excitement as he tosses it through the slightly opened window. The men and the strippers look at him in panic as the grenade fell at their feet across from Jose He ducks under the window as they go off with a loud BOOM. The windows shattered and the screams were silenced. He pokes his head up seeing the bloody mess and chunks of body parts strewn about, the smell of iron filled his nose. Adam shuddered from the stench as he stood up. "Time to steal some shit," he said. The other guys nodded, some shouted their "Fuck yeahs!" and exchanged high fives.

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