The Assassin

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Adam stepped into the building, each step was wet and softened by the bodies underneath his boots and crunched as he walked. The other followed him, he could hear gags and mutterings, but none of it bothered him "Told ya it would work, Brian," Adam said, sounding a bit smug about it. Brian looked at the bloody mess and torn body parts, disgust on his "Yeah... you weren't wrong, dude," he says while covering his nose with his shirt. They rummaged through the place picking up guns, knives, and whatever that could be of value. With a grin Adam picked up a severed arm and took the watch off, wiping the blood off of it to see what seemed to be gold and a few small diamonds. After looking at it he sees it's a Rolex, which makes him grin, "I can get a pretty penny for this." His sentence was interrupted by a blade flying by his head, scratching his ear.

 He spins his head around, seeing a small man wearing a ninja outfit. Adam scoffs, "Oh great, one of you stupid ass ninjas," he says, his voice laced with mild irritation and disappointment. The man doesn't speak as he lunges at Adam in a flash tackling him onto the bloody ground. "You fucking got me messy, you fuckface!" He yells as he grabbed the mans wrist and twists it. He screams as he begins to use his other hand to try and stab him. He tilts his head up using his helmet to block the blade, it slides off and stabs into his shoulder. "FUUUUUCK!" Adam yells in pain, the blade hitting his shoulder bone and cutting across his flesh. Jose runs into the room aiming his rifle but can't get a clean shot off. "Gringo, give me a clear shot!" He demands in a panic. The only sound Adam can hear is the man grunts as they toss and turn on the ground." Adam finally climbs on top of the man, he sees fear and panic in his eyes "Got you now you little nip!" he says with spite in his voice as he raises his fist and slams it into his temple as hard as he could with a loud THUD.

 The man reaches into his pocket, throwing sand into his eyes, making Adam yell in pain, but his hits don't stop. He grabs the mans face with his fingers digging into his mask and face ripping some of the fabric off, revealing an older Japanese man. Adam grins under his balaclava as he slides his fingers towards the mans eyes "See no evil," He says in a cruel tone as he begins to dig his thumbs into the man Please have mercy! " but his pleas were ignored as he dug his thumbs into his eyes, seeing blood and tears covering his thumbs.

 Jose watches Adams thumbs digging into the mans eyes, his smile barely showing under his balaclava as the man screams and begs for mercy. He raises his rifle wanting to put the man out of his misery but the way Adam is on him it's impossible for a clean shot. In a desperate attempt, Jose grabs his shoulders trying to get Adam off of him, but he doesn't even acknowledge his presence as he tortures the man. "Tell me who sent you! " Adam demands, but the assassin just screams as he refuses to talk. "Die like a pig then," Adam says as his rand reaches for his trench knife. He begins to beat the man with the brass knuckles, each hit sounding wetter and leading to a loud crunch as Jose saw the man's jaw dislocate and slump to the side his screams becoming gurgles. Adam leans his face close to the mans face, and mutters "Hope it was worth it" before plunging his knife into the mans eye. Jose gags as he sees the mans body slump over finally after Adams cruel display.

 Jose watches Adams thumbs digging into the mans eyes, his smile barely showing under his balaclava as the man screams and begs for mercy. He raises his rifle wanting to put the man out of his misery but the way Adam is on him it's impossible for a clean shot. In a desperate attempt, Jose grabs at Adam trying to get him off of him, but he doesn't even acknowledge his presence as he tortured the man. "Tell me who sent you!" Adam demanded, but the assassin just screams as he refuses to talk. "Die like a pig then," Adam says as his rand reaches for his trench knife. He begins to beat the man with the brass knuckles, each hit sounding wetter and leading to a loud crunch as Jose saw the man's jaw dislocate and slump to the side his screams becoming gurgles. Adam leans his face close to the mans face, and mutters "Hope it was worth it" before plunging his knife into the mans eye. Jose gags as he sees the mans body slump over finally after Adams cruel display.

 After about an hour of ransacking the place, the group called the driver who backed the truck up towards the building. Brian looked at Adam, "Let's load up the crates before their Russian buddies come back." With a quick nod Adam grabbed several ammo tins of seven point six two ammo and begins to help the others load the truck as fast as he could. When he gets back inside he almost slips on a chunk of one of the strippers bodies, he looks down at the chunk of flesh with a scoff. "Ugh," he says, before helping Jose with an oddly heavy crate. "What the fuck is in this thing? " he asks Brian. He turns to look at Adam with a grin and responds, "A good ole NSV, bitch even has a scope and some ammo with it." That pleases Adam greatly. "Good shit, a HMG is useful."

They loaded up the truck with guns, ammo, and some sellable drugs, mainly marijuana and coke. They all loaded into the truck and sped off using side roads to get back into town without getting a tail. The trip goes smoothly. He spends the time shining the Rolex and wedding ring he took from the ninja he killed, but one thing he noticed was Jose sat a bit further from him. He looks up at Jose "You good? " he asks as if it was a casual day for him but he could see something in Jose's eyes. .. fear or respect, Adam couldn't tell "Yeah... it's good, man. Just not used to seeing that kind of stuff." Adam noticed his hesitation and lack of calling him a gringo, which threw him off slightly "He wanted me dead and I wanted him dead and that's just business at the end of the day." Jose shuttered at Adams calm voice. "But... Did you have to gauge the mans eyes out? Couldn't you just shoot the man or not take his wedding ring? " Adam just shrugged at Jose's concerns. "He took the job needing money, or maybe he just liked it. Either way, I don't fucking care. I'm here to make money like him or you. If you think being a mercenary has rules or decency then you're naïve." Adam sees Jose look down at his rifle and boots, seeing the blood that covered them before sighing.

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