Possessiveness and BBQ pt.2

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 They all finally sit down at the table. Adam sees them hold hands around the table, the tradition clicks in his head as he looked down, closing his eyes as James spoke their Grace "Dear Lord, thank you for this food we're about to eat. We are grateful for your provision. We ask that You would bless this food and continue to guide our family along Your path. In the name of Your son Jesus, amen." Adam couldn't help but find the way James spoke admirable; like his father, he spoke with conviction and such care. Adam looked back up at the meal, feeling at home and happy in a long time. He looked around as everyone began to grab their food and make their plates. His chest felt heavy and his eyes felt welled with tears from this familiarity he hasn't felt since he was fifteen. He looked at the food and couldn't help but see the image of his family when they would do this, every Sunday after church. He smiled faintly as he appreciated this moment... He treasured it like it was when his home was still whole.

 He leaned forwards to begin making his plate as he suddenly felt Yukaris tail wrap around his waist softly. His heart raced but not with but. ... Comfort. He glanced at her seeing her wide smile. His heart melted at the mere sight of it. He took her hand, trying to convey his appreciation without making it obvious to her family. She looked down at his hand with a nervous smile then she looked back into his eyes. Adams heart nearly explodes from the look she gave him, she rested her hand on his cheek. He felt at peace, like everything faded away besides her and him. Her thumbs caressed his upper cheek, his senses felt like they were on overdrive with each soft and smooth movement of her thumb making a trail of fire along his skin. She leaned down and kissed him, her soft lips meeting his as his heart felt like it was about to give out from his excitement and sheer love from the small moment. His hands reached out, beyond his control, and cupped her cheeks as he pulled her in for a deeper kiss. He couldn't hold back anymore, even if he tried. Their lips locked together as they kissed, he didn't want it to end and his very soul was set ablaze from this simple yet immense kiss.

 Adam pulled away for a moment and rested his forehead against hers, his words coming out choked and fractured as he nearly broke down into tears. "Thank y-you" he spoke softly, feeling his chest grow heavier and his tears threaten to break through the walls he had tried so hard to build. He saw that small smile while her eyes remained locked into his as her voice spoke, ever so faintly. .. Almost whisper "No... I should be thanking y-you" she spoke, he bit his tongue as he just rested his forehead against hers, feeling like he was in heaven from her and her alone. He took a deep breath and tried to speak "I tried so hard to build these walls, to keep myself from pain and weakness but you" he took another deep breath again "you found a way to break them down, to make me find something I was so scared to find... Something I yearned for but never felt like I could achieve". She pressed forwards more on his forehead, her tail wrapped around his waist like a vice as she asked in a timid voice "What d-do I make you feel? " He looked back up seeing her eyes again, wanting to just get lost in them for an eternity. "Something I'm not familiar with... But I'm addicted to it," he responded, his hand rubbing her back as he kept on speaking. "I don't want this moment to end, like I could spend an eternity in this moment".

Yukari gave a nervous smile as her tail gripped his waist more and more like a python. He moves away slowly and looks towards her family, blissfully unaware they have been watching the whole time. He began to make his burger and side salad, his hands still shaking slightly as he prepared his plate, Yukari doing so with alongside him. His mind began to race and think, "She deserves the world but am I good enough? she breathed life back into him like a doctor but can I do the same? " He slowly made his plate and sat it down in front of him. He looked at his food for a moment. He reached towards his burger and saw blood covering his hands, his eyes closed as he tried to get the image out of his head. With several deep breaths he opened his eyes seeing the blood no longer on his hands as he picked up his burger to take a bite. He enjoyed the smoky and seasonings James put into the burgers, but he could taste blood. He looked at it and saw it was done properly, but the iron lingered in his mouth like a curse.

The hours fly by as he sat with Yukari, each moment feeling more peaceful. While he had many questions about the Chihara family, it didn't matter. He puts the cooler on his dirt bike and began to tie it down with Yukari standing by him, practically glued to his hip. He climbed on and started the engine and looked down for a moment "Thank you for today Yukari. It was nice to get some sun and get away from work". She gently rubbed his back, her nails slightly extended as she lightly scratched his back "It's ok. But I think I made my feelings for you clear as I could. And I hope you feel the same" her voice sounded timid and shy, something he wasn't used to. He felt a bit overwhelmed with it all, Park liking him but for unknown reasons and Yukari liking him too—at least she was straightforward about it. He sat up a bit and said, "Can I get a day to think on it?" he sighs, unable to keep eye contact as he felt guilt building up inside, "I'm not used to romance or any of this. Hell, that kiss was my first". She nods and looks into the forest surrounding the house. He saw her tense up. "I just poured my heart out, and you can't give me an answer?" Adam flinched slightly at her tone "I just want to be sure I can do this, Yukari. "If we're going to date, we should take it slow and make sure it's done right" he tried to argue back but her tone still remained harsh.

She looked at him, and he could hear the frustration in her voice: "That was my first kiss too. I introduced you to my family, confessed, and gave you my first kiss. Is that not enough to convince you? " He sighed and rubbed his temples. "Ok, I'm going to make myself clear. How can I, in good faith, jump into a relationship without being considerate to your or my own goals and morals? " He could hear her voice crack as she spoke, 'It's p-park, isn't it?" he closed his eyes trying to explain, "It's both of you, Yukari. I have ZERO love life and I didn't even want one until you both came around. Do you not understand the corner I'm backed into? If I get with you Park breaks down, if I pick her you break down... I'm damned if I do and damned if I don't" She crosses her arms. "It's simple, look at what she's done and what I've done. Who made the effort and who didn't? She just flashed you her small tits and you think that's comparable to today? The bond, the kiss " His mind raced back to when park broke down the other night "She just broke down. I'm not sure why or anything but she deserves to be heard out too. What if she's having issues like you? She deserves be heard too" She let's out a huff and storms off, her tail swished left to right rapidly as she walked inside. He could hear her sniffle a bit and mutter something.

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