We cookin'

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As Adam finally made it to his first class, he was immediately met with the sight of familiar ears. .. The kitsune from the bus. He sighs and takes a deep breath before fully stepping into the classroom, He immediately notices there aren't individual desks but large ones meant for four or so students with each one meant with at least four students a piece. Adam looks around for empty spots but the only one that's available is next to her. "Fuck, this is awkward," he thinks before walking over and taking a seat right next to her. After the teacher explains their assignment, which was to come up with a meal with a twenty-dollar budget in mind and as a "couple" in mind. This bothers Adam on numerous levels, seeing nobody is picking him or the Kitsune as partners, knowing he's going to be fucking stuck with this aloof and irritatingly quiet girl.

 As the minutes passed while he prayed for a partner but his prayers went unanswered, with a sigh of resignation, he turned to her looking up at her face which, admittedly, was attractive to him in numerous ways, but her attitude was a headache from what little he had talked to her. "So I guess we're partners," he said, sounding mildly disappointed. The kitsune glares down at him, almost like an imposing authority akin to a disappointed mother—or worse. .. Girlfriend who's pissed at something but she refuses to explain why "Yeah. .. I guess we fucking are" she responds. The venom in that sentence was palpable, but how much was still something he had no clue about. He rubs his chin as he looks over the piece of paper with the restrictions, mainly the budget of the meal, how many servings, and that it has to feed two people. Thoughts and recipes come to mind immediately from all the times he'd help his mother or father cook meals "Chicken, beef or? " he asks , after several seconds, she just... Shrugs? "so I'm guessing you don't care then" and she nodded "I don't cook, and as Iong as it's not dogshit, I couldn't care less."

 This made things significantly easier for him since he's not dealing with a picky eater. Adam returns his attention back to the paper, tapping his fingertip on the desk in thought, with so many choices. "Ya know, I was thinking we could go with something breakfast-themed, like omelets or French toast," She perks an ear up and a drop of interest could be seen in her face as she leans forward slightly towards Adam "And you know what you're doing? Because I sure as hell can't cook". Adam snickers slightly and nods with a smug grin "I know exactly what I'm doing. I've helped my mom, dad, and grandparents cook ever since I could walk. " He responded with absolute confidence and without hesitation. Her ear perks up even more "And how do I know you're not bullshitting me and make us both fail this fucking assignment? " her doubt was plain as day. She leans forward towards Adam expecting an answer, but he has proof right in his lunchbox "Alright, then try this" Adam pulls out his lunchbox, forgetting his nineteen eleven was visible. He freezes mid-grab, muttering "fuck" as he feels like she's going to rat him out.

He waits for her to flip out, panic, or even run, but she does nothing. She tilts her head a bit, looking at it "Huh. .. Dad has one too, good choice". Her response throws him off entirely as her voice seemed almost sweet and soft, like she's having a pleasant memory, "Your dad has good taste then. It's never failed me and had won two world wars after all". As he pulls out his lunchbox, he opens it to show a decent-sized meal home-cooked by his grandmother and him, he hears her sniff a bit before giving a sharp nod "If it tastes good as it smells then I admit, you're not as bland as I expected". Adam feels like he should be offended but oddly he isn't, he feels slightly proud of it making his chest tingle ever so slightly. Her hand brushes past his as she grabs a bag with three chocolate chip cookies, her nails grazing his skin softly making it tingle like a gentle scratch. She puts the bag to her nose, then looking at the bag and asks, "Can I have one?" She asks softly, her eyes seeming to plead for some unknown reason with him. "Sure, go ahead." With that, she grabs one out of the bag and looks over the cookie before taking a small nibble.

Her face looked odd, and a very faint purr of sorts could be heard, like a faint whisper. She hands him the bag "It's alright, nothing to write home about farm boy". Adam scoffs a bit before grabbing the bag and turning to put it back into his lunchbox, while she took an even larger bite of the cookie, showing her sharp canine teeth and how spotless they were. He glanced back towards his lunchbox before zipping it shut and setting it back into his backpack. When he looks back up the cookie is entirely gone. .. not even a crumb is on her shirt "Well, I can say you kinda know what the fuck you're doing at least" she says while licking a bit of chocolate off of her thumb making Adam seriously doubt he did an ALRIGHT job. He writes his name on the paper and then slides it to her, he sees her perfect writing compared to his which looked like an elderly woman having a seizure. This kicked what little pride he had in his handwriting in the groin but he learned her name finally, Yukari Chihara. .. sounded Asian to him for sure, and now that he thought about it she definitely looked so when he wasn't full attention to her Kitsune features. He lifts the paper up but she stops him mid-lift, "Make it beef and I'll consider giving you some praise farm boy." Adam's smug grin comes back with a vengeance. He leans in slightly towards her face. "Consider it done, Yukari, because when I cook, I stand on business."

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