A talk

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 As Adam walked with the officer, he noticed her badge: Nora Donovan. He would look at her, looking for any clues about her until his eyes found a pale piece of skin on her ring finger. While walking through the busy school hallways, he pondered about what happened: was it divorce, and if so, why? Or perhaps she slept around and took her ring off so she could attract less suspicion from the men. Adam shook his head slightly. She's not the whore type, he thought to himself, noticing how she walked and greeted the other students as they walked down the hallways. Eventually, they got into the counseling room, which surprised him, since back home he would always go to the principal office but the school officer perplexed him. As the woman opened the door he saw a man with a thin frame and thick boxy glasses sitting on a office chair, and with a smile he greeted Adam "Ah, Adam Smith isn't it? "Adam looked at him skeptically, his gaze focused on the man entirely. "Yeah. .. How do you know my name already? " Adam asked as his body tensed up.

  Nora took a seat in a leather chair near the man, crossing her legs and her arms, staring at Adam sternly, but before the man could speak... She did "I read your files and police reports from your old school, Adam, Hope County High School in Missouri, and to put it lightly, you have an extensive track record," she said, putting heavy emphasis on "extensive," making Adam feel a mix of pride, and. .. shame. The man nodded with her and added "We were planning on having a talk later on in the school day but your fight made us have to do so sooner." The man was oddly softer than the woman's tone which threw him off from what he was used to seeing. Adam set his backpack aside and took a seat on the little black leather couch " In my defense they not only insulted first but hit as well" he said trying to at least be somewhat obvious knowing what he responded with was at the very least pejorative and at worst just taking it too far and making at personal as he could.

 Nora looks at the man and then at me. Over time, she got a larger grin and leaned back into her chair, crossing her legs. "I think I have an idea on what to do with Adam and Yukari, Mr. Miller," her smile widened, even her canines showing a bit. The man adjusts his glasses by pressing them further up his nose "And what would that idea be, Officer Donovan?" " A small chuckle could be heard, but not malicious from what Adam could tell. think we should put our two troublemakers in same classes so I can keep a proper eye on the both of them" Adam's calm façade faltered "What what? !" he yells, "You're telling me I have to have an officer assigned to me!" Dora looks back into his eyes, not even straying away in the slightest. "You and Yukari have caused some serious problems in the past and from what I read on your files and knowing her" she stops for a moment, picking her words carefully "you both have home problems and the fact you both have had a record of" she looks at Mr. Miller "Extremely violent tendencies". She stands up and walks over to the printer and computer, spending several minutes on it. More time went by until the printer spit out the paper, "This will be you and Yukari's new class schedule, so your first class is Home Economics in room .

 Adam spent thirty minutes trying to convince her to revert her changes but Nora refused to the point of annoyance "For the final time Adam, I WILL not change it you and Yukari made your beds and now you two will sleep in it. " Her voice was unyielding and stern but underneath it Adam felt like something was going on behind it like an ulterior motive. "But what did she do?" Adam asked, slumping in his chair in defeat, "Yukari has the same category of issues with being violent and home problems. " Nora hands Adam the paper and gestures towards the door "Who knows maybe you two will get along, but until then, you need to get to class and expand that mind of yours." With that being said, Nora picks Adams backpack up and hands it over to him. "Fine, don't expect me to be all cutesy with that cranky ass girl". Nora sighs and picks him up and setting him out of the door Adam felt like a literal child as this woman who could not have been over one hundred and ten pounds, picked his ass up like a fucking kid then giving him a gentle nudge towards the class.

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