Meatloaf and tomfoolery

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 As Adam walked into the classroom with the groceries in his hand and a very tired look on his face "Getting blood out of my BDU is a bitch and a half," as he slumped into his chair next to Yukari. He sets the groceries next to the small stove and slumps back in his seat with a burnt-out expression on his face. His eyes look at Yukari, but she doesn't have her resting bitch face at the moment she seems a bit on edge with her ears perked up and her eyes on the door. "What's got you spooked?" he asks as he rests his forehead on the table. Yukari scoffs a bit "Something has the school riled up, even my sister seems to be acting odd. .. More than fucking usual and she's one odd bitch" he nods with his forehead still on the table. "Yeah, my sister's a bitch too," he says, remembering all the bullshit she caused by being a whore. He shudders at the thoughts and the mockery he received for her actions, giving him unpleasant memories.

 He hears the door open and several classmates gasp in unison, "What the fuck is it now? " he mutters softly, fighting to get his head up to see what it's all about. His eyes pop open at the girl, she looked like a more petit Kitsune, but there was more that was off about her as he began to take mental notes as the teacher introduced her "Good morning, class. Today we have quite the treat for you all! " she says with an excited tone. The girl gives a graceful bow to the class with a sharp smile, her eyes scanning the classroom until they locked onto Adams eyes "I'm Park Seol Hwa, I am a transfer student from Seoul, South Korea and it's a pleasure to meet you all today" her voice was smooth, classy and oddly alluring, making Adam tilt his head a bit at the new girl. The teacher gestures to the class and it's seats "Please pick a spot and once again welcome to our school". Park nods and bows slightly before returning her gaze back to Adam. Each step she took, her hips swayed, her breasts bounced a bit catching his attention and mildly confusing him at the same time "GOD DAMN!" he thinks to himself. She takes a seat next to him, her eyes roaming up and down his body like a predator. "My, my, aren't you a fine-looking man?" she says with a seductive whisper.

Adam hears a soft scoff from Yukari. "Stop flirting and let's get our fucking assignment done, we have a bet" her voice filled with more venom than usual. Adam nods and stands up, beginning to unpack the groceries. "I'm going to need you to peel the potatoes while I get the meatloaf done, Yukari." He hands her the small bag of potatoes and a peeler before looking at Park. "Can you do the gravy?" She grins and nods "Of course I can, I quite enjoy cooking with someone. It's so cute!" She grabs one of the smaller pots and the ingredients in the bag then begins to mix them in the pot with water. Adam washed his hands, then he puts the ground beef into a bowl, mixing in seasonings and bread crumbs. His mind was put at ease as he cooked, focusing on the meatloaf and setting it on a pan, and on a small rack to keep it from soaking up the grease that'll pool on the bottom "FUCK THIS!" yells Yukari, making Adam look at her. His eyes popping open as he saw her struggling to peel the first potato. "How the fuck does she not know how to peel even a goddamn potato?" He shakes his head and looks at her. "Just watch and follow how I do it." He gently takes the peeler from her hand and notices how soft and warm her hands were compared to his own. He leans over making sure she has a good view. "Watch closely it's just like gliding along a surface. Kind of like moving your hand across the counter," she squints at him and huffs while watching how he peeled the potato.

As they peeled potatoes and took turns he could hear Park snickering at them, Yukari shoots a glare and a slight growl at her, "Shut your fucking mouth" but Park didn't seem to care. She just puts her hand over her mouth and giggled. He sighs and hands Yukari the peeler. "I need to check the meatloaf real quick, just remember what I taught you, okay?" His voice softer as he tries to ease the tension. She shrugs and continues to peel. He opens the oven and the smell fills the air with a pleasant smell, several classmates look up from their cooking stations and sniff the air giving him immense pride that he could catch so many people's interest "Heh, looks like I'm the only fucker who can cook here it seems" he snickers at their reactions. Park takes a longer whiff of the smell and looks at him with a smirk. "Mmmmmm". .. You've outdone yourself big boy. I love a man who can cook" she stands back up and bumps her hips with his. Adam felt a bit awkward as she continues to mix the brown gravy, giving him a small wink. "What the fuck is going on with these two?" He shakes his head and puts the diced potatoes in the boiling water.

 He continues to focus on the food and eventually finishes it. The teacher walks around with a notepad looking at everyone's meals until she stops at his table. She looks down at the meatloaf and mashed potatoes with a smirk "Well, you've outdone yourself" he stood there as his stomach growled a bit as the brown gravy and meatloaf was just too damn tempting. "Hurry the fuck up bitch, I'm hungry" She looks up and then gives a sharp nod "You three passed, but next time I'd suggest a vegetable along with it since it?s mainly meat and potatoes. But otherwise you all did a great job". She walks to the next table but Adam wasn't going to wait as he cut the meatloaf into three even portions and began to dish it out to Yukari and Park. ?I?m not waiting for it to get cold and I don't think you both want to either.? He took a seat and began to eat, his eyes dart at both the girls wondering what they think of his cooking. Yukari's ear flicks and her tail seems to do some sort of shudder as she bit into the food. Park squinted for a moment then looking at him "How the hell are you still single? I'd KILL for a man who could cook this good". Adam smiled as he continued to eat, enjoying the savory meatloaf and the brown gravy until Yukari spoke "Damn farm boy... You weren't kidding when you said you liked cooking". Adam nodded and remained quiet as he eats but he felt ecstatic at their praise. "It's nice getting a compliment once in a while," he muttered between bites.

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