Odd mother

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He pulled up towards a metal gate that led to a towering mansion. He looked at the note again. He felt confused and baffled. "This can't be right," he muttered as he pulled the note out of his pocket to check the address again. His eyebrow raised, "This is the place. .. It seems" he sighs and puts the pin number into the gate. His mind drifted back to Park and what had happened. He sat on his dirt bike thinking, "Why would she throw herself at me like that? I've killed for people before but it was supposed to be a simple job." He shook his head trying to clear his mind before the cookout. His engine roared as he drove up the driveway; the concrete was spotless and perfectly flat, as if it was brand new or very well taken care of. But his mind still drifted back to Park "Was I dumb to pass it up? I mean if I was going to lose my v-card, that would be one hell of a story to tell." He pinched himself, feeling a bit disgusted by his thoughts. He felt a bit of shame and trepidation about the whole scenario.

He parks the bike by their garage, seeing four large white doors. The whole situation dawned on him that Yukari's family was fucking loaded. He looked at his dirt bike and the cooler he strapped to the back using paracord. "Damn, I look like a redneck retard compared to them" he said, while unhooking the cooler and setting the paracord on his bikes seat. As he picked up the small blue cooler he heard their door open revealing a tall woman in a sweater and a knee-length skirt. She squints at him, her eyes boring into his very soul. He returns the gaze and raised his eyebrow. "I see where Yukari gets her eyes from," she remarked, raising an eyebrow at his comment. "Perceptive. It's good to see my daughter isn't friends with a moron". Adam found himself enjoying the sound of her voice; it was calm and smooth like silk, and her accent was apparent to him. He picks the small cooler up and walked towards the door, wiping his sneakers off on the welcome mat. "Yukari is selective; I'm baffled she even considers me a friend". He stepped inside, her body inches from him as he could hear a small sniff and a very faint hum coming from her lips.

She led him through the house, always standing right next to him. Adams mind was blown at the sheer extravagance of the home, the paintings, historical pieces and the modern art style the Japanese theme. The faint smell of cherry blossom filled his nose as he walked with the mountainous woman. He stopped at a rifle hanging on the wall and nodded in approval. "A sharps rifle?" He mutters, them in museums or reproductions. I always appreciated breach-loading rifles like the Martini-Henry myself." She stood next to him and nodded, "I have a certain fondness for large caliber firearms myself." A hint of a grin showed on the corners of her mouth, "The power, the damage and intimidation." Adam glanced at her through the corner of his eye seeing her look at the rifle intensely. "I'm a mixed bag myself. The right tool for the right job mindset is what I have. Why spend fifteen dollars to kill someone when you can spend two? " Her ears perked up a bit with a faint not "It does save money, but loses the most important factor in conflict...Fear."

He stood there thinking about her response. "Ya know," he tapped his chin, "I agree, but it'd be foolish to think keeping your boot on ones throat is a long-term solution. You'll end up killing them or they'll bite your toes off". He turns to her and says, "Many, many emperors and leaders thought they could play God. .And they end up being at the mercy of time or their people". Her finger taps her chin, her nail extends a bit. "And to that, keep your boot planted on their throat until they are broken, until they have no choice to submit or die by said boot. That's what they failed to do, they lacked conviction or didn't bother thinking of the future". Her response was cold but her voice was smooth, like a sweet poison. He turns towards the long hallway and sees the glass sliding doors by the kitchen "Food for thought. Everyone slips and you only have two feet, time is a friend to nobody. One day your boot will wear down, your feet may cramp and show the faintest sign of faltering, and the next moment you're the one under a boot from a very hateful and unforgiving person who won't wait to break you. They'd just crush your windpipe and toss you aside". He could hear her chuckle at him, her hand over her mouth a bit "Luckily for me, my feet don't cramp".

She made a soft gesture of her hand towards a side hallway, "Follow me, let me show you one of my favorite pieces of art". He nods and follows her down the hallway; he sees more. .. Odd paintings, each one with her and various historical figures, she stops by one with John Paul Jones. He lets out a whistled "Damn, you've been around the block a few times". She tapped the wooden frame with her extended nail making a soft tapping sound "You could say that". He looked at the paintings seeing various leaders and generals from all over the world. One thing was for sure, she seemed to have no signs of consistency or beliefs. His mind raced a bit, not with fear but questions "Who was she? what was her goal and, oddly, her beliefs? Before he could speak, he felt his arm being grabbed with a fierce grip borderline hurting. He turns his head quickly seeing Yukari with a livid expression. "I was thinking you weren't going to fucking show up, but instead I see you giving MOM all of the attention instead." He froze in place, feeling her grip tighten on him. "Well, I was just trying to be a good houseguest." She rolled her eyes at him and began to drag him off. Adam shoes squeaked against the wooden floor as she pulled him along.

Hikari watches as they turn a corner and the last thing she saw was his tennis shoes "Hmmm, I did not expect this" she mutters to herself as she stood alone in the hallway. She leaned against the wall thinking about her short conversation with the boy, the pieces falling into place slowly but surely. Then she puts her hand over her mouth in shock "My baby girl. ... She's actually in love? " she shook her head as she tried to wrap her mind around Yukari unusual behavior in the last week. She had to lean more against the wall as it hit her like a truck, still unable to believe Yukari fell in love. Her mind, maybe this would help her and Yukari bond. .. surely she'd seek her out for help. She groaned in mild jealousy, hoping she doesn't seek Nora out instead of her. She bit her tongue at the mere thought. Her instinct made her plot in the back of her mind: "Maybe I could use him to help rebuild our bond? Get her to accept being a heiress to what I've worked so hard to achieve? " She slid her glasses up the bridge of her nose as she walked towards the kitchen, taking her time to conjure up a plan on how to get Adam to agree to it.

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