Tainted soul

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Adam looked at his bloodied hands, his rifles bayonet dripping with fresh blood as it rested on the side of a tree stump. His mind remained calm as the warm fluid soaked though his gloved hands. His eyes wandered back to the body of the man on the ground, his body mangled and flesh cut open like steak. A sweet voice spoke to him in his right ear, warm blood trickling on his shoulder as she spoke "You like hurting people don't you?" she asked before giving a faint chuckle. Her voice made Adams spine tingle but the implications more so. Her hand brushed against his neck making him tingle. "Such a good boy. You did not only what I asked but made it so, she takes a breath, savoring it, "Congenial to my liking." He couldn't help but nod, like he was under her spell, like a puppet under the full control of his master.

He felt her fingers playfully walk to each end of his shoulders "And this meal" he could hear her tongue lick her lips and suck slightly "truly wonderful in so. Many ways". He felt her lips on the back on his neck, each light peck on his body making him shiver. He finds his voice finally "I'm. .. Glad I didn't disappoint Park" his voice muffled by his gas mask, hiding his emotions but his body lied to him and spoke nothing but the truth. Her lips on his neck set small fires in their wake like an unstoppable storm. "You most certainly didn't. You've made me so proud and to be honest" Parks hands gripped his shoulders, her nails making small holes in his BDU, "very turned on." Those words made him nervous as he let them set into his mind. He looks at her, Parks eyes looked into his, her face covered in blood and even specks of flesh litter the sides of her mouth. Her hands loosened and rubbed in little circles on his shoulder blades. "My little grim reaper deserves some pampering," he couldn't help but nod as he relaxed under her touch.

Her fingers begin to undo the straps of his gas mask. "For doing such a good job, a woman has to show her man some gratitude." His eyes remained locked onto hers. He felt many things, ranging from horniness beyond belief to trepidation, but the biggest feeling was fear. Her hands slide his gas mask off and sets it on the tree stump "What are. .. Are you wanting to do? " he asks nervously as she just smiled back at his unsettled face. Her bloody finger sets on his lips, the taste of blood entering his mouth. "Shhh, let a girl show some skin," she said, as she reached for her shirt and pulled it over her head, showing her breasts to him. His eyes darted up and down from her face to her chest. His knees became weak, he's seen tits before but for some reason this was different. It felt like something more. She steps forwards, her hands taking his gloves off slowly as she spoke "you spent so long fighting for others, and you never got any thanks from anyone did you? " her question stung his chest, his eyes avoiding hers as he nods "Y-yeah" he responded. She nods with a smirk, tossing one of his gloves aside "Poor thing, working so hard and never getting any love back," she wags her finger at him. "I know better, when someone puts in the effort for me, I simply return it, unlike others."

She tosses his other glove aside, revealing his blood-soaked hands. Her eyes gaze on them in reverence. "Always giving but never receiving". Parks voice sounded irritated; she bit her tongue "such a shame nobody has put the same effort into you," her hands grasped his wrists softly, guiding them. He doesn't fight against it her gaze never leaves his her constant reminders of his life making him feel insignificant and meaningless. "I've tried so hard to provide for my mother, to make Dad proud, and it never works out. .. I tried to be normal, I tried to be ordinary but it didn't pay the bills. .. I couldn't rely on my sister to help" his head hung low in shame "no matter how hard I try to do things right, I always fall short." She lets go of his wrists and places a single finger under his chin then raising it up to meet her gaze "Don't blame yourself. You saw opportunity, and you took it, like any REAL man would, to provide for his mother," she scoffs. "Don't let your crack-whore sisters actions bring you down; you're better than her. You're with a woman who men have killed over while she fucks around with trailer trash and filth," she rolls her eyes. "You're leagues above her in every category from money, respect, and skill," she takes his wrists again "and now I'm giving you something no man has EVER got to do to me" she placed his hands on her breasts, "an opportunity to make me their woman".

He looked at her, his hands caressed her chest as she spoke into his ear, "Others would hate you for your sins, your dilapidated soul. .. But I love you for it". He couldn't help but feel shocked; he felt so ashamed of what he's become. The fact someone would love him for the horrors he's committed floors him. He looks up at her "Why?" He asked, his eyes locked into hers looking for a shred of doubt or lie, but he sees none of that. She pressed her breasts into her hands as she spoke, her body towering over him "I see potential, a man who isn't afraid to make his woman happy no matter the cost or sacrifices he'll have to make". Her hands cup his cheeks "I'll offer everything to you. My mind, my body and my very soul. All I ask is for loyalty, as any man should have for his woman". He felt her nipples harden in his palms his urges growing, but his walls are too well-built to allow him to cave into this. He squints "How do I know this is love? how do I know you're not like the rest of the women in my life seeking to use me and cast me aside when it's convenient? " his voice was stern as he simply couldn't accept this... There had to be more; there always is. She bites her lip, her sharp teeth glistening with blood. "All things in life require risk, and if I'm willing to give you my firsts, to let you take my first, then why shouldn't you take the same risk as me?" He ponders for a moment. Her point felt reasonable, but his heart and the fortress around it didn't budge at her reasoning.

He takes his hands off of her breasts. "If you truly care, then you'll wait; let me learn more about you. I may have won your heart, but mine is undecided. I can't in good faith take your virginity without full love, you deserve better". He put on his gloves and left her standing there silently, her smugness wiped away and replaced by something else he didn't understand. She looked down and nodded, a small, faint smile remaining. Adam put his gas mask once again, hiding his face. He looked back at her. "You're a woman. Not a trophy to me, just," he sighs as he tries to find the right words, "know I look at you as more than that. I know the pain of being viewed as for only what I can provide. Not who I am or what I stand for". He picks up her shirt and hands it to her, her hands barely hold it as she just kept looking down with an expression he couldn't quite put his finger on. As he picked up his rifle she suddenly hugged him, her arms holding him tightly as she sobbed on his shoulder. His hand hesitantly hugged her back. He could feel a small wet spot on his shoulders as she cried, but no words were said.

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