Chapter 66

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Early in morning Soobin was the first to wake up as the boy was naturally a morning person. He laid there confused for a moment seeing different ceiling design of the room but then it clicked his mind that he and Yeonjun stayed over at Jungkook and Taehyung's place last night.

He looks around to find only himself on the mattress. Taehyung was no where to found while Yeonjun had rolled under the bed. Soobin sighed he knew it, it was a bad idea to let younger boy sleep on the bed side now he have to roll Yeonjun out of the bed as younger was heavy sleeper and needs someone to woke him up.

He sat up on the mattress ruffling his hairs as a yawn escape his lips. He turned his eyes to bed still yawning when his eyes fall on the tangled up bodies and he choked on air seeing how close their faces were. Well when he woke up he didn't thought even in his wildest thoughts that he's gonna see Taehyung and Jungkook like this but wait- didn't Taehyung slept with them last night? Then how did he end up there?

 Well when he woke up he didn't thought even in his wildest thoughts that he's gonna see Taehyung and Jungkook like this but wait- didn't Taehyung slept with them last night? Then how did he end up there?

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Soobin looks with wide eyes at how close their faces were. If he turned his a little lower he sure they will look like they are kissing and he tried it as well. He lowered his face a bit, eyes still wide and bite his fist when Taehyung and Jungkook face angle appears like they are kissing. He squeal hard kicking his legs up in air well can't blame him after being the part of 'mission taekook' project he had invested in couple's relationship a lot. He could kill to witness such sight, not really as he's job is to save lives instead of taking, atleast in this au.

He gasped and laid down quickly and closed his eyes when he saw Jungkook stirring in sleep, seems like he's waking up and he guessed right when he heard him sneeze followed by Taehyung's soft groan.

Jungkook opened his eyes after he sneeze and found the reason of it. Taehyung's face was so close to his that his hairs tickled his nose causing him sneeze first thing in morning.

He lazily smiles when he saw Taehyung scrunching his face in sleep. He nuzzled in younger's cheeks fondly earning another groan from the sleeping male "Let me sleep kookieee" Taehyung whined trying to push Jungkook's face away who just laughed softly and nuzzled more into younger's cheeks.

Taehyung whined and opened his eyes with a huff when his boyfriend doesn't seems to back away. Jungkook grinned and hovered over his boyfriend who glares at him.

"You ruin my sleep heartless monster!" Taehyung accused slapping Jungkook's shoulder before circling his arms around elder's neck.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07 ⏰

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